Limit effect to specific frames via expressions.

I have a little problem. Mainly how to limit effects to a specyfic frames?
I mean how to do it with expressions?
Best Regards.

nuke 6.2

grey out knob

hi, simple question , i’m looking for python command to grey out the knob (something like locking the knob so knob is not hidden but it’s read only or can’t be modified). How can i do this?

Network render/install for faster viewer/preview renders?

Hi All,

Pardon my ignorance. But what type of setup is required to render a viewer node over the network? Is this possible? I find a lot about network rendering, but it all seems geared towards rendering a write node, ie sending different frames to different machines. I’m looking to speed up the in-program previewing of the viewer node by sending the process over different machines.


Exr files too Heavy

Heya, i am truying to understand some thing,
i am using exr files rendered from 3dMAX
🙂 scenario one – i am rendering all passes to separated files (like with tga), so i have light pass, gi, refl, …. – and compositing is very fast,
:confused: scenario 2 – i am rendering all passes into one exr file – so i have one multichannel exr – here i am having problems – compositing is very slow – it is too heavy for Nuke

I tryed to use Remove node -to keep only channels i need – not help
tryed shuffle them – same result
Someone have another ideas what can i do?

2D-Tracking-Data into 3D?

Hi there,

i´m walking with a styrofoam-block with tracking-markers on it through my scene. now i´m trying to manually track this scene, wich works fine. i´m building a node tree with scene, camera, scanlinerender an a cube and merge it together with my footage. now the cube sticks very good on my tracking markers however there is no turning in the z-axis. How do i get x,y and z-data from my manual tracking?


WireRemoval Tool Render Issues

Hi guys!

Im working on a shot that have some wires to be removed. The shot is 2500 frame long… lot of work… i started last night and in order to see how my work goes, i made a selected render from 0 – 300, in a H264 (this is HD project)…

It started and a few seconds later this message appears:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

File "C:/Program Files/Nuke6.0v1/plugins\nukescripts\", line 31, in render_panel

nuke.executeMultiple(_list, frame_ranges )

RuntimeError: F_WireRemoval in F_WireRemoval1: Effect raised an error during render.

The schematic is Read (Tif sequence of the shot in HD) then Wireremoval node, then a write node attached, then a viewer with one bus to see the original shoot, and another to see the repair. No multiple WireRemoval nodes or any complication.

Any ideas?!

Thanks all of u


how to : gridwarp ‘live’ tracking ?

hi i want to apply tracking data (from tracker node) to gridwarp node, so drag and drop is working, but cmd/ctrl/shift drag-drop won’t do it…. so i got no relationship (link). Is it possible to apply ‘live’ tracking to gridwarp?? so it also means i should be able to view per-points info about which tracking-data it’s been assign. Anyway knows any rumors about fixing (better) spline warp in next version?

stars flicker effect?

Hello there,

I am trying to add some flicker to the starry night I am adding to a sky..

Right now I have

Noise node (set up to look like stars)—> sharpen node (enhances the overall look) —- ramp node (star density increases towards the atmosphere, decreases towards the ground).

How could I make a random, realistic flickering effect?

Can you make one gizmo that contains two grouped nodes?

I have created a node that has a value and another node that adjusts that value. So, one value node and one adjustment node. I can copy the value node to create multiple nodes that all are controlled by the adjustment node.

My question is this: Can I export these two nodes as one gizmo? This would be similar to the "split and join" nodes.

I think I can load one at a time, but I would rather load both at once and then copy the value node as much as is needed.

I have tried highlighting both nodes, clicking export as gizmo on one of the nodes, and then saving it. But, when I load it into my script using X, it will only load one of the nodes.

I think this is possible with the "split and join" being an example, but I just can’t figure it out. Does anyone know if this can work?