full screen function

I am looking for function for toggling full screen of Pane ( shortcut is "space" by default)
not toggleFullscreen()!
someone know about it?

Nuke Rendering issue

When I render out of sequence from Nuke my images come out stretched. I’m rendering at 1920×1080, but the result comes out to be 1924×1886 or something like that. Could anyone help me out??? Thanks…

I attached a smaller res pic

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	zzzz.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	267.7 KB
ID:	10877

different OP “merging” a card in 3d-space

i have a 3d-comp with several cards, partially with semitransparent imgs, one card covering the next one behind it…
i want some of those cards to behave e.g. like a screen or plus operation to the rest, sort of like the normal 2D-merge-node-operations offer (screen, plus, mult etc.)

till now i take a seperate scanline-renderer for that card and merge the result to the rest with a normal merge node an its according merge operation.

does anyone know a way to do it without a seperate scanline-renderer but with some of the possible merge operations a merge has?


Trapcode Particular for nuke!


Millions and Millions of Particles
The maximum particle limit allows quick bursts of up to one million particles per second!

3D Camera Integration
Particular OFX offers complete integration with Nukes’ 3D camera and 3D preview.

Sprites and Polygons
Custom particles allow the use of image node or movies as 2D Textured Polygons.

Light Me Up
Shade the particles with eight built-in lights or tie in Nuke’s lights for greater control. Shading on the particles emulates light falloff to make the particles look more natural.

Dynamic Self-shadowing
Shadowlet rendering can cast shadows on both main and aux particles, adding realistic self-shadowing from a single light source.

Advanced Physics Engine
Particular offers support for glitch free-animation of turbulent properties.

Full Floating-Point Support
Improved bit-depth support offers high-quality 32 bit-per-channel rendering, which allows full-range output with HDR results.

Auxiliary Particles
In Particular, particles can emit their own ‘auxiliary’ particles, enabling objects to leave bright or smoky trails.
Reflection Maps
Textured Polygon particles can use a reflection map to add dynamic color changes to particles as they rotate in 3D. This feature is ideal for adding glints to rotating particles.

Rotation, Rotation, Rotation
Textured Polygon particles can fully rotate in 3D space, with randomized rotation direction and speed, and automatic orientation to the direction of their motion.

Streak It Up
Streaklet particles resemble long-exposure light effects, as seen in Apple’s iPod Nano Remastered commercials.

Transform Your World
For animation flexibility, the Transform World feature allows the entire Particular workspace to be offset or rotated in 3D space without moving the Nuke camera.

Motion Blur
Built-in motion blur feature lends realism to moving particles.

Physics Time Factor
Freeze time while moving the camera around in a scene, Matrix-style.

Non-Square Pixels
Particular handles non-square pixel aspect ratios correctly.

Built-In Help
Extensive user guide features and instructive video tutorials give step-by-step examples.

Blending Modes inside Nuke 3D space

Hi Guys

Is there a way of altering blending modes of your textures when they are connected to Cards in 3Dspace?

I assume the 3d world works with premultiplied images and when everything is flatten at the Scanline, the math for stacking the layers in 3d space is OVER.

My usual workflow when I want to "Screen", or "Plus" atmos elements that have to be placed in 3d Space is branching off a new Scene and Scanline Node and then add it to the previous flatten 3d Scene.

Not only I’m adding more Nodes to my tree but also it becomes less readable with all the arrows crossing around coming from the same RenderCam.

Is there a more efficient technique of achieving this?

Hope is clear.

Which expressions do you find yourself using the most?

Thought it would be great for everyone to share some tips on using some expressions in Nuke.

Here’s mine:

random(frame) X+A-B

it will randomize the value where X would be the "standard" value. A and B are sort of ranges where the random operator will "move around".

Very useful for random objects flickering(such as stars), procedural fog, and many other procedurally made effects.

import tracker data : shake into nuke ??

Hi, does anyone know how to convert/import tracker data from shake to Nuke? enyone ever did this? anyway nuke’s tracker is quite slow and easy to shift away… i don’t know why, even with very clear dot/mark on face and not many light changing and just little movement (not panning but turning a head a bit with slow motion and tracking/marking is clearly visible from start-end, also it’s noticable black colored mark on white face )… frustrating . So i’m doing it in shake which is more ‘sticky’ just ‘one’ single click and done. ok i have the tracker from shake and i want to do the compos in Nuke for many other reason. Anyone have suggestion ?


End Credit Roll

Does anybody have any advice or best practices to render out a non-studdering end credit roll at 23.98fps destined for HDcam?

python nuke.frame() delay? is it a bug?

hi, i’m turned into this wierd problem. This is suppose to be very simple script. i attach the .nk file. So in that file i create a single ‘dot’ node (name : framecontrol). add custom pyscript button(name : nextframe). then use this code for that button :


curfrm = nuke.frame()

so when user press this button, it wil jump 1 frame ahead (same like ‘next frame’ function button). So pressing 10 times will jump to 10 frames. It’s so easy. But i have tried this code , type in the script editor like this :


while x<11:

so i’m just confused why this doesn’t work well, suppose to jump 10 frames , but i got only 1 frame jump. I inspect , this has something to do with nuke.frame() which has delay in processing??? so fast iterate/loop is too fast for nuke.frame() to follow?? this is wierd. Try to modify code like this :


while x<11:

now it’s working fine, it jumps 10 frame as we also have to close every single pop-up window of course, i just simulate this to give ‘delay’ for the script so the nuke.frame() can ‘follow’. Well, i don’t know exactly what happen. Anyone can help me. I don’t know it’s bug or something wrong with my code? any issue with cpu core? If someone can give some good explaination?

Attached Files
File Type: nk framecontrol.nk (2.9 KB)

Cards Deformation

How i can deform cards nodes to make perspective 3d mountains and how i can import ready mateing geometry from 3D MAX with maping if possible???
And how aplly to any cards add or overlay shading???

Thanks for helping!