Hello there, I’m having a little problem here and was wondering if anyone here could help me. What I’m trying to do is to create a point cloud using a pWorld pass (with "PositionToPoints" node) and use it to emit particles with the new 6.3 3dParticle node. The particle creation works fine, but having just a pWorld pass the Particle system still needs to fetch the normals of the rendered surface somewhere. Hence I’ve tried to utilize the "Normals" node to add the information of my nWorld pass to the Point cloud generated from pWorld. I’ve tried this using the "set" mode of the Normals node and plug the nWorld channels in the x,y,z inputs using an expression (just plugging it in there with Read2.red etc.) But the expression doesnt seem to be sampled per pixel, and all the normal vectors get the same coordinates – so the particles just move into one direction, instead of correctly moving away from the mesh based on it’s normal. Is there any way to get my nWorld’s normals into the point cloud?