Playback node that.

Is there a node i can use to scrub through a certain sequence without changing my comps current frame.

Sometimes, comps get heavy, and even seeing a frame takes like 5 minutes on a high end machine. it would be good to use that to scrub through the frame range of the sequence.

so essentially, a combination of the Frame Range node and the Time offset node.. with a little slider to control the time offset… 😮

is there a node that has this function? 😀


copy corner pin (From tab) values

need solution for copy values from one tab to other tab in one click….

Cornerpin – i want to copy corner pin From tab values.. (cornerpin ) values…

after changing values in from tab and run a script it should copy from tab values to (cornerpin tab)… is it possible…

i hope its possible python script…

can any body help me.


depth map

Hello everyone

I am doing 2D to 3D conversion in nuke. I need to extract a depth map of a live action shot. How can I do that? I tried the easy way in 2D making roto, ramp and fill my roto with different gray level. and I try with a camera to project my roto on card on different z positions in 3D space; The question is, when I look at my depth layer from the scanlinerender, how can I be sure my differents cards are at the good positions the one from the other. For example, I have a landscape, with mountains on the back, people on front; so I made layers for people and mountains perpendicular to the cam and one for the ground. How to I make sure my people stick to the ground and the contact of my people and my moutains with the ground card is accurate? I means where do I put those two layers in z according to the ground. I don’t know if I make myself clear.

Attached Files
File Type: nk zmap.nk (124.9 KB)

instance filenames from Read to Write nodes

use Nuke to process single renders frpm 3dsmax and looking for an option to automatically change output filename in Write node when input file in Read node is changed

Animating LookupGeo.

Hey Guys.

I have been playing around with geometry deformation in Nuke, and came across the LookupGeo node. It gives me exactly the result I want to achive which is a stretched out room, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be able to animate the distortion over time.

Is there a way that I am somehow missing?

I have been able to achieve roundabout the desired effect using the TransformGeo node. But it is a linear scale in the Z. I would like to have a falloff type of effect, with the front of the room being less affected that the wall at the end. Would bicubics be my only real option?

Many thanks.

Stereo questions

I’m doing some tests for a possible stereo show, and have run into some problems.

– Say you have a 3D scene set up in Nuke (textures projected on geometry) and you have a match moved camera. Here it’s easy to add in people shot on green-screen (one camera only) on cards that sit in the scene at different depth. But what if your green-screen people have a camera move (same as the matched moved camera). How do you add this in depth? I tried to copy transform/rotation/film-back etc from the camera to the card and adjusted it in depth with the z-depth slider. But I don’t know, can’t be the right way to do it? The green-sceen card contains people walking towards camera aswell.

– In a 3D scene setup, how do you handle edge treatments (edge-blurs, light-wraps etc)? I have two Scanline renderers connected to my scene with offset cameras that I then connect through a Join view node. But how do I deal with the edges? Do I have to have a separate scene for fg and a separate scene for fg that I just merge on top of each other? That would mean four scanline renderers for a simple setup.

Thank you for your help :).

switching ‘stereo modes’ along with layout presets

hi there,

we setup a stereo workstation with a dreamcolor (for quality and color) and a zalman trimon (for stereo viewing). it works pretty well.
so now i made two layout-presets to easily switch the viewer to the required monitor.

it would be even nicer if it’s possible to switch stereo-modes on and off along with those shortcuts. is there’s a way to make that work?


3d uvproject can’t hide texture on back surface?

This is just simple script… i’m using uvproject to place a 2d text on a cube. So the text node become the texture for the cube/box. Now as i look at the cube in 3d space through my camera , from all angle i can see all 6 text projected on each face of the cube. Problem is I only want to see text which is projected on surface which has Normal point/toward the camera (front face only), i don’t want to see texture on the back face. I tried to change ‘project on’ to ‘front’ with no luck. Anyone can explain why i can still see all the text on 6 faces ?

btw i also try the project3d node, when set project on to : front, i can still see the black texture at the back face.

Character animation into Nuke

Hi folks,

I need to import a character animation for a previz (from Maya) into Nuke.

I think one chance is export a fbx and import it into Nuke with the animated mesh.

Then, texture the fbx as regular in Nuke and if UV’s are correct, the textures will be added correctly.

Do you know if this works? Is there any other method?

All the help should be welcome.

Thanks in advanced.


Is it possible to write an expression that adjusts a mix value based off of transform

Hey guys,

So I have a glowing object that scrolls from left to right. During that, I have an interactive light layer turn on and off as the object passes. So for instance:

x = 0
mix = 0

x = 100
mix = 1

x = 200
mix = 0

I will be animating the transform, but I don’t want to animate the mix. Is it possible to create an expression for the mix value that animates as the transform.x animates?

I have an idea:

In mix value:

This works for turning on the layer, but how do I work in turning it off at 200?
