I’m doing some tests for a possible stereo show, and have run into some problems.
– Say you have a 3D scene set up in Nuke (textures projected on geometry) and you have a match moved camera. Here it’s easy to add in people shot on green-screen (one camera only) on cards that sit in the scene at different depth. But what if your green-screen people have a camera move (same as the matched moved camera). How do you add this in depth? I tried to copy transform/rotation/film-back etc from the camera to the card and adjusted it in depth with the z-depth slider. But I don’t know, can’t be the right way to do it? The green-sceen card contains people walking towards camera aswell.
– In a 3D scene setup, how do you handle edge treatments (edge-blurs, light-wraps etc)? I have two Scanline renderers connected to my scene with offset cameras that I then connect through a Join view node. But how do I deal with the edges? Do I have to have a separate scene for fg and a separate scene for fg that I just merge on top of each other? That would mean four scanline renderers for a simple setup.
Thank you for your help :).