pyQT OS X support.

Does anyone know if pyQT support is planned for the OSX platform?



Nuke and the 3d System…

Just trying to familiarise myself more with the 3d system… though I don’t seem to get what the purpose of it really is…

Who actually uses the lights/materials in production?

& besides the projection nodes, are the others any use at all and if so what instances have they become handy to use?

questions questions I know..thanks in advance for your answers..


Broken Roto Shapes?

Hey guys, I’ve been working with both the rectangle and ellipse tools in the Roto node and I’m getting strange ‘tears’ along the mask (see pic).

It’s usually from the highest point of the shape, and seems more common in points where I haven’t turned the handles (Why would I if I’m using a perfect circle or square?)..

Moving the point back and forth until it’s happy seems to work, but I was hoping to know why this happens, or if it’s just a bug..

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	RotoIssue.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	43.5 KB
ID:	11082

Camera Tracking: Align Geometry correctly


I’m testing around with the cameratracker since one week now and I’m wondering if there’s a trick for setting the ground-plate.

I’m attaching three screenshots. I shot a raw video last night and I want to roughly put some geometry on the ground. Been playing around with the scene rotation and translation for 2 hours now but it’s not aligning correctly.

Thanks in advance

New to Nuke: matting help pls

I am new to Nuke and need to change the hair color in an image with both a lot of movement and wisps of hair. I tried bezier points, but that wasn’t practical. It also looked pretty wretched. Is there a way to just make a matte of everything of a particular color? Or maybe a good way to roto hair? I can’t use any plug ins either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


“unhandled pixel format”

I’m trying to read HDV1080i50 and I keep getting a wierd error: unhandled pixel format.
When I moved to another machine, the file read well for about 2 minutes then produced the same error message.


How would you tackle this key?


I’m having a tough time keying this plate where its not in focus (Red materials in the background). I’m trying to find a solution where i can avoid eroding it as the two actors constantly pass infront of it.

Any ideas?


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	GS.jpeg
Views:	N/A
Size:	878.8 KB
ID:	11079

Click image for larger version

Name:	GSK.jpeg
Views:	N/A
Size:	941.2 KB
ID:	11080

expression using sample

hey there

i am trying to connect a colour value with a "sample" function at a given point.

what i have is a corner pin and i would like to sample the colour at the
corner points and paste it into the colour channels of a constant.

the advanced version of it would be, not to have a specific pixel but an
area of lets say 5×5 pixels and get the average value of it.

i know that it is possible but i am not able to match the correct syntax, so
i constantly only recive an error instead of a value.:confused:

can anybody help me please

thx in advance 🙂

select 3D feature

How can i select the 3d feature from pftrack betwen 2D view? Dows i always have to enter in 3d viewports to select them and extract the data translate or other data? Because i find the feature that i need and when i go to 3d to select it, i lost them becaus there are a lot of feature and i don´t know what feature i chose

Export Camera-Tracking-Data for 3dsmax

Hi there,

I searched quite long now, but didn’t get any solution for it. Is there a way to export the tracking data including the camera to 3dsmax? Does anyone know a script or something?
Or shall I better use external software like pfhoe for the tracking part?

Thanks in advance