Slowmotion engines as Twixtor

I know you can use Twixtor with nuke.
But is there any simular tools out there for nuke?


Fixing S3D Shots Using Ocula

If anyone out there has used Ocula before I am curious as to how long it takes to fix shots? My company is tying to budget time for this and we are not sure if it can be done in a matter of minutes or hours. I know every shot will be different so assuming that the majority of the shots will need fixes for verticle alignment, keystone, color, about how long would each shot take to complete?

Mari Joy if you Live/Work in Canada

Sorry for the salesy spam, I thought this was good enough to
risk a slapping.

Our Canadian partner 3Vis are doing a "Holiday" special with Mari.
If you buy Mari, 3Vis will include the new NV Quadro 600 with the purchase.


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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Size:	377.9 KB
ID:	11122

Keylight errors?

I’ve got a funny issue with keylight in nuke and I can’t find any information about it.

Keylight is rendering stray lines across my keys.

Ive attached a grab of the alpha on one of these.

I’m using prorez 4444 files from the alexa. Though I tried converting these into other formats and I still get the same issue. Edit ( I just tried this with some other sources and im still getting it) Also this is nuke 6.1v3 and keylight 2.1v6

It also doesnt happen consistently, sometimes it will sometimes it wont.

It also changes when i change anything above the keylight and it rerenders.

I need to use keylight for these because I am using several artists who have just moved from AE and dont know anything else. Does anybody know what the issue is here??


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	nuke_keylight_screen.jpg
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Size:	57.6 KB
ID:	11121

If I have NukeX do I need regular Nuke???

I know this may be a stupid question to some, but I have no idea if you need both for it to work or whether NukeX does everything Nuke does and more?

Also, concerning camera tracking, is NukeX good for this or should I use something separate like Syntheyes of Boujou or Pftrack or is there an even better one?

Lat long map creating

Hallo all
Since i am using a lot Spherical Transform node i would like to know
how to create by my self Lat Long map (i mean not in Nuke)
how to create angular map 180/360
I read help in Nuke but it is to dry information, if some one have some more practical source of information it will be great! :rolleyes:

Backlight in Nuke

I was wondering if there’s any way to get backlight on a greenscreen subject after keying them. I was trying to find tutorials on how to get the foreground elements to match the background lighting but can’ find any.

What techniques are used generally. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

here is a nuke basic video tutorial

watch this

have fun

Mask and auto key

I have some Complaints about nuke…when i start a mask with autokey turn on and in the middle of course i decided change to manual key i can’t moving my points in the mask, so i have to restart my work…This is strange, i did a rotoscoping of 2 hours and when i decide turn off my autokey i cant arrange my mask…why this? Other thing, when i close my mask and decide continuos her i can’t use the V i have to add points to continuos my mask, this is very very complicated, can someone explain me if i am wrong in something????


boujou to nuke

i know how to import camera from boujou to nuke. then can anyone tell me the next procedure, i mean what is next step i must follow, and tell me the site where can i find boujou to nuke tutorials.