shadow in nuke 6.2?
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryIn New 6.2 added cast shadow in light settings but not working
In New 6.2 added cast shadow in light settings but not working
Please help!
Im a total noob when it comes to this geeky stuff. I cant for the life of me figure out what to do to set up the environment variables.
I did locate the enviroment.plist file but have no idea what to write in there so that Nuke activates the Prman node.
Please any help would be great.
I install NukeX 6.2 for linux-64 and wants to use Prman, so i install RenderManProServer-13.5.2 for LNX-64 and set the env variable step by step in it’s Manual , but i’m getting below error when I want to use Prman.:(
The RMANTREE environment variable is not set.
please help me to use this grate tools of nukex
please help me!
Anti-aliasing is by far my biggest opponent when rendering. It’s expensive and the results look great but I can only go heavy on it when I have time and since I’m only one person with no render farm I don’t get many opportunities.
As I said, I don’t know enough about compositing to under how/why/when matrixes work but it was just a thought that I had. Why AA any pass at all, beauty, spec., refl. (let alone a pass that you should NOT AA like world position, a normals pass, or a matID pass) if you can just apply AA with a matrix node in Nuke later?
If someone could give me an idea of the technical limitations of a matrix node in Nuke then that’d probably answer my question sufficiently. Any information at all is greatly appreciated!
02.Also would like to know how to emulate police lights onto a shot, got some people standing around, I want to make it look like theres a cop car off to the side of the cameraman, not in the shot, but near it enough to where the lighting is all over the subjects
new to nuke…
Would be great to go to topview and paint a motion path with like a pen tool and hook up the camera. Be albe to move around serval curvpoints in topview, not just current frame youre on.