how to open .nk file with py in Nuke?

Could somebody tell me how to open .nk file with python in Nuke???
I try to find the method in doc over and over again, but failed..


Basic Setup with Cards / CameraTracker / Greenscreen Windows


I’m an After Effects user trying to switch to Nuke. I searched the forums but didn’t really find what I’m looking for. I guess I just need a kick in the right direction.

Here’s what I got:

I got a handcamera shot which I already tracked successfully in NukeX. This shot is a studio setup with windows in the background that have a greenscreen outside. So what I’m trying to do now, is to put my shot onto a card, then key out the windows and put another card with a skyline far away in the 3D space.

I’m stuck with how to put my handcamera shot on a card. Shouldn’t this card have the animation of the tracking on it, so that I can put my static skyline in the background and the camera "going into the room with the window"?

I’m pretty sure that there is a tutorial out there with just that topic – I know that this is some pretty basic stuff. But…I’m lost here… 😈

Anyone can help?

Particular hangs NukeX

Hello everyone!

I have a really annoying problem with Particular 2.1.2 and Nuke 6.2v2.
Particular crashes really often when I do changes in the settings and sometimes it fills the viewer with a solid red colour. Anyone that has experienced something like this? It’s the demo version of Particular.

I get this error message in the console when I open up the Particular node, Nuke still operates, but this message is repeated every time I open the node.
"Warning: EndTabGroup with no matching BeginTabGroup."

I have re-installed Particular and Nuke, but it seems that nothing helps.


what is alpha gain in fusion doing..?

im blending two images together in fusion with alpha gain…
now im trying to do the same in nuke… but there is no way to get the same look…

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	gain.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	106.1 KB
ID:	11450

maya 3d text doesn’t display correctly

I am trying to import a 3d text from maya to nuke, but this doesn’t display correctly…For example, the letter "d" is no hole, while the "e" has become an object filled and incomprehensible.. I’ve tried in many ways and I’m losing hope! can someone help me?

Reading a .map file generated from IMF display

Does anyone know whether there is a way Nuke can read such a file?

Thanks in advance for any help!


“nothing is named parent”


I have a simple question.
Everytime I link a roto to a track, I get this message when I reopen my setup:

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Roto1.curves: Nothing is named "parent"

Therefore, when I click on my roto, everything works great. The link is here and work fine. So why do I have this message?

I must say that I always link the folder of my rotoshape to my tracker…

If you have any idea?

need help maya to nuke


am fresher in nuke..i have one to export 3d object from maya to nuke ..i need with texture, animation, camera & lights…i export obj file form maya…but in nuke readgeo its come only geomenty lambert color…how to solve this problem…if there is any plugin please refer to me…

arri alexa

in case anyone wants to try out the arri alexa LUTS, can register and make your own for nuke

problem with addOnScriptSave

hey guys,
i have this few lines of code to copy a script to another location after it’s saved.


import nuke
import shutil

def myfunction():

      currScript = nuke.Root()['name'].value()
      backupPath = 'path/to/backup/folder/'

      shutil.copy(currScript, backupPath)

this is the entry in my


import myfunction

when i overwrite a script that already exists, this works like expected.
but when i try to save the script as a new script, i get an error message. this file doesn’t exist. so nothing is saved and nothing is copied.
i understand that ‘addOnScriptSave’ is executed before the script is saved. so this is an expected error.
i tried ‘nuke.scriptSave()’ before ‘shutil.copy(currScript, backupPath)’, but this gives me another error message: ‘maximum recursion depth exeeded‘.
would be great, if someone can point me to how i get the script saved before the copy command is executed!

thanks a lot,