problem reading exr files : No frame buffer specified

Hi , anyone have this kind of problem? I searched this fourm and it seems to be no one has this kind of error. It’s wierd …. sometimes when reading .exr file, quite often i got this message :
error reading pixel data from image file "/Volumes/…../data.0050.exr" . No frame buffer specified as pixel data destination?
So if i scrub the timeline, at somepoint i got that error. At some frames in my clip, the viewer just turn blank.

what’s that mean? is it a bug? or something wrong with my .exr ? sometimes if i scrub timeline couple of time, it’s back to normal, but mostly i doesn’t. Re-open the file always fix it automatically , but then it shows up again. Anyone got any idea?

other seq format like .tga/tif etc. has no problem at all. How can i fix it? btw it’s 6.2v2. Did i miss something?


need help

hi all

i like to know any 3d grid on nuke.r third party avalible.

On coming Head lights film shoot Help

Hi all,
I have an upcoming film shoot in April. The director needs a pov out of a drive’rs side window of a car. The car will be driving at night with NO street lights. (just Head lights) We also need an on coming car (head lights) coming stright at the pov car (basically head on collision at night)

So, from a VFX stand point, what would be the best way to shoot this?
Any Ideas, tips, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I was thinking of filming just the road in the moving car and somehow, film the headlights of a parked car and composite them but can’t visualize the composite in my head.
Please help,

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	dark-road-470.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	10.4 KB
ID:	11541

3D prpjection (to UV and back) technique Issue

Hey guys

So im trying to put a wound on a girl in my shots face using the following technique:

Track a camera to the face to stabilize it
Make a rogue model of the face
Read in the geometry, and project 3d with your shot as the image (essentially keeping everything the same, jsut projecting the original image back onto that geometry)
Then use a scanline rendere set to uv to get the UV view of your footage
Then you merge over your wound or whatever it is you are tracking to the face, place it on the UVs, and project it back.

My problem is when im projecting the original image back onto the face model, everything looks okay in 3D view through the projection camera (ie i can see her face placed on the model, not perfectly tracked, but decently, thats not the problem), but when i use a scanline render in UV mode im getting nothing but black in my viewer. Its not outputting the UVs… im not sure where ive gone wrong, but obviosuly i have.

Ive attatched a picture of my nuke script (with the viewer on my scanline render so you can see the blackness) and also a little picture form my 3D view through the projecting camera so you can see that it IS infact projecting onto my model.

Anyone know what the problem could be?

Uploaded with

Calculate Nodes Connected Upstream of an Input

I want to have an expression that will return the number of nodes connected to an input.

Then, toggle the disable based on that number.

i.e. if there are 2 nodes connected to THIS node, enable this node, but, if there is only 1 node connected, then DISABLE.

Anyway to do that?

Thanks so much

Nuke with multiple monitors

Hi, I would like to know who of you are working with multi monitor setups and if it’s a good idea to do so. I’m a bit worried about having to move to the other monitor all the day only to scrub the timeline when with a single one it’s very fast. Thanks.

Radio Waves

Is there an expression floating around out there to take a card and make a radio wave radiating out from the center, like a sin wave type thing with freq and amp?

import .3dl

Hallo everyone
How i am importing .3dl LUT to Nuke?

relight in nuke

I’m looking for some 3d relight tools..
I found this one but don’t work for me..or better on my computer
I kinow there is also MT_relight and I have to test it…
Do you know other tools?

crude object tracking…

falling over from lack of sleep here, and searching for a quick solution.

I have a static scene with a camera solved (done by eye, had a similar one with a simple tilt too, just to get me a camera to work with)

into the frame drops an object that bouncing to a halt mid air with a subtle bounce and movement at the end.

I need to stick something to this object, and have been object tracking it so far with crude geometry (hence the basic camera)

I had a grand idea to make a 2d track of the objectdropping into frame, and then turning that screen coordinate into a 3d point using the camera, hence getting me a travelling axis that all I had to do was rotate by eye.

but that’s the wall I hit, as I can’t get my head around how to convert the data to 3d, a kind of Reconcile2d, but the other way round, so a Reconcile3d so to speak.

am I chasing a red herring here, or missing something blindingly obvious?

cheers for any help
