Renderman Studio with Nuke

Hey guys,
So I don’t think this is possible, but if I have a license for Renderman Studio (not server), can use the Renderman renderer in Nuke with it?

I’m on OS X and was arguing this with a friend. I think it only works with Renderman Server, but I could be wrong.

As far as I know, it send a RIB file out per frame and updates in the viewport?

Regarding 3D View and Scaling

Quite a few times i have come across a issue where the scene scale in the 3D viewer become a problem. So when if i use the mouse to pan just slightly it rushes through the scene, and if i scroll just 1 tick it will zoom in drastically.

So a few questions:
1: Is there a way (without up-scaling all 3D elements in the scene) to avoid this problem?

2: Is there a way to reset the view (View facing center of 3d space)

3: How do you change the position that is set when you hit the [Middle Mouse]?

python – how to grab proper sequential filename format

Hi, i’m trying to grab the filename from a ‘write’ node.
using node[‘file’].value() , i can get the name and path, but the problem if i use sequential name , it’s always convert the ‘####’ format into ‘%0xd’ format. so for example :


will become /path/render.%04d.jpg

I don’t want this. I want to have the name still using #### format. How can i do this? if possible i don’t want to do complex regex unless there’s no simple way.


print into node’s label using python ?

Hi, i want to print something into the node’s label. I ussually use TCL, but this time trying to deal with python. So i’m looking for python code , similar to tcl -> [return test]
….. i tried something like : [python -exec {print "test"}] , it did print out the word ‘test’ but it spit it into the script editor not in the label. Anyone can help?

Why Write node in read mode is much slower than a Read node?

I’m using the latest Nuke version (6.2v2) and I can’t understrand why I must put a read node after a Write one to do precomps. If I use the Write in read mode, it is much slower. I’ve seen this behaviour since version 6 so I suppose the users are using it without trouble.

Using precomps is a constant need in comples comps so it is an essential tool that I suppose, the most nuke compositors are using.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong?


very heavy xdcam EX footage inside Nuke

I don’t understand why, but i got a footage , it’s .mov using codec : xdcam EX 720p25 (1280×720) which is in fact can be played really smooth on my mac, scrubbing the quicktime player is very-very light. Absoultely i can play it in realtime 25 fps without any problem. But when i brought that clip into Nuke , hell…. what’s wrong? it’s very heavy in the viewer, i can’t even click at any frame position to get the picture. It took seconds just to refresh until i can see the frame in the viewer. Anyone can help? The time taken to refresh just doesn’t make my sense. Tried to turn on proxy, and downrez in viewer, it doesn’t help much…. Any idea ?


Rotoscoping – how this thing affect the performance ?

Ok, this is just my curiousity. If someone ever really work with tons of nodes…. i mean really using a lot of nodes, I want to know how my workflow will affect the performance. So i’d like to focus on rotoscoping. I ussually masking the clip using 2 nodes : attach a clip to a merge node , set mode to ‘in’ then pipe the a rotopaint node into B-input of the merge node (this is the first method). That way i can get the same result compare to using just single rotopaint node, apply directly to a clip then set the proper parameter (this is the second method). For me the first one offers greater flexibility and easy to read compare to the other which have benefit of using just single node (less proccessing??).

I was shake user, so there’s why i ‘m familiar with the first method ( where the second method is not an option in shake). How this affect performance in a hugh project since i’m using 2 nodes, compare to other method with single node. Should i change the workflow? Or maybe technically or internally they’re just exactly the same in REAL cpu proccessing? Any real experience on this ?

…… btw i have a very simple question in head, just another thing…. why Nuke won’t give me warning when rendering to existing files? any good reason?


Roto + Card, Need some hints :D

Hi there !

Here is my first topic, and my first try to do something in Nuke. I’ve got a lil background in after effect though.
Here is my noobish problem :
– I have a single image.
– I make multiple roto, to isolate some part of the image (building, sky, etc)
– I’d like to make a projection of each of those part, so I put it on card.

But I have an issue, it seems that each of my card are in some screen mode. I don’t want this, I’d like to have it straight, without any mode.

Here is a screen of my Nuke,

Btw, if you have any recommendations, feel free to add it in your comment! I’m a total newbie, so It’ll be very appreciated 🙂


Normals From ScanlineRender to IDistort

Hello everyone,

I would like to use a sphere and a scanlinerender and use the normals pass generated from the scanlinerender with an iDistort.. Confused on the workflow(still wrapping my head around the layers and channels thing).

It is for disorting footage that will go into a school tv screen.

I need to copy the normals(which the scanline names backwards; channel into the rgb stream of the src I want to distort. Then use that as the distort channel in the idistort. I would love to make a new layer/channel named distort.

I have seen this done before just cant get it to work.

Thanks for the time,


Comping a real Elephant back onto a crowded street!

I think some of you might have a bit of fun with this one. Doing some FX work for a period feature, and theres a scene which requires an elephant strolling down a road with a King sitting on a box-like attachment on top, and crowds on both sides of the street cheering on. This is a locked shot.

For budget reasons, they can’t bring the elephant on set – so it needs to be shot separately at the Elephant’s living space.

Now so far, our idea is to shoot the Elly where it lives against green matte WITH the box attachment on top of her (we’ll keep her safe 🙂 ) as she walks and we comp that back into the street plate. We would also need to comp the King, shot on green matte, back into the box as well (because the actor’s contract won’t allow him to take safety risks)

Other issues might be that we might need to comp some soldiers or guards in front of the elephant’s feet walking, in case we can’t get good keying on the elephant’s feet or because of a lack of a green matte limbo.

Can anybody think of any red-flags here, or any issues or advice? We are a small setup and can’t afford to model the elephant etc. Thanks for any suggestions!