how to paint in nuke

hey guy can someone lead me with painting in nuke i’m new with nuke

I’m painting some wire and it seem very paintful after 100 stroke and very hard to go nice and smooth and where are the selection of paint brush
help me out because in 2011 paint tool should be as good as the Flame

i’m sure some user must known it pretty well so send me some trick

Keying grainy DSLR footage

Hi guys,

I’m working as a compositor on a short film shot on a nikon D7000 and i’ve run into some problems with the keying.

Some of the green screen scenes were filmed pretty late in the night and without enough lights. To compensate for this i think the DP cranked up the ISO pretty high (which creates the grainy/noisy plates), and i’m pretty sure that they forgot to turn off the in camera sharpening.

I’ve tried to degrain the footage, but it only helps a little bit. Do you guys have any ideas how to solve this or should i just roto the damn thing?

Thanks in advance!

animated object in Nuke to MAYA

Hey guys,

I was wondering if its possible to export for example an animated geometry from Nuke to Maya so it preserves the animation..? so basically you could animate that simple shape in NUKE and export it to maya in order to light it and render it and then you would use those renders for projections back in Nuke..?

Best Regards

Tracking from Maya?

Hello Everyone,

I don’t do much 3D modeling /animations however, I have just finished a Car chase sequence in Maya. I plan on doing the motion blurs & Lens flares in Nuke. although I have the motion blur covered already, I keep telling myself "there must be a better way" when it comes to the lens Flare.

I need to track the headlights of the car and then apply the lens flare.

So when in nuke, I tracked the headlamps. But I keep thinking there might be something better I can do in Maya that will eliminate the 2D TRACKING in NUKE.
I mean, i have so much available to me in Maya (Zdepth, vector blurs,Passes, etc) So I keep thinking that I’m missing something when it comes to Tracking objects.

2d tracking in Nuke? Is this the only way?


viewer decrease and change anchor point

why when do i hovering the mouse frame by frame my viewer decrese to left corner and the transform anchor point change the position until i click in it?? This is a great problem to me

Stepped motion blur


I’m having (I think) a problem with the motionblur in the roto/rotopaint tool: it’s not smooth, you can see "steps" – I have attached an image to show what I mean.
This problem only started a couple of days ago; and although there are ways around it, I would really much like to correct it at the source. I’ve checked the viewer settings but can find anything weird; and the problem appears even after render. I’ve also obviously checked settings for the roto/rotopaint tool, but you can always see those weird steps.

Any suggestion would be lovely!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen-shot-2011-03-30-at-15.17.23.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	37.3 KB
ID:	11579

CameraTracker to AE export?

Has anyone found a way to move a camera (and locators) from Nuke to AE? Sometimes I do some work in AE as well and it would be nice to take advantage of the camera tracked scene from Nuke. I know of the MoCon scripts, but I’m not sure that it can be used to transfer the locators?

I also found a script to convert Nuke 2D tracking data to AE tracking data.…ke-t20729.html

Clone node overlay lines Toggle?

Anybody know of a way to disable just the cloned nodes line overlays? It’s all over the place, and my nodes looks like Spiderman’s bedroom. Thanks!

diskcache is not working or what?

Hi, i create a test scene (in attachment) . Format setting : PAL, duration : 10 frame. Set Viewer zoom to x1. Set the disk cache size to high 50Gb. the rest is using default. I create a bit ‘heavy’ animated clip (couple of nodes in a tree) and to play the clip , For the first cycle/loop, it takes 3 sec to refresh every frame. I clean up the disk cache then i add a diskcache node and run the ‘precache’ . The precache takes about 6-8 second to render each frame. After finished, if i press ‘precache’ again and again it will show up the render progress window but it’s now much much faster , so it’s doing nothing coz it’s already precached. so far so good.

Now i create branch from the diskcache node , i create two stream , one is pipe into ‘grade’ node and the other into ‘transform’ node.

(1) Connect the viewer to grade node, then play the clip….. well, it doesn’t play the clip immadiately, it takes 3 sec each frame to run through the clip, the next cycle it plays real time. Now while the clip still playing , i can change color on the fly in ‘grade’ node, and it’s updated in almost realtime. Precache works ! But what about that 3 sec per frame? where does it come from? any logical explanation for it? the cache from disk should be played almost real time (for 10 frames pal on my disk).

(2) connect the viewer to the transform node, now everytime i changed the transform (translate only) , It took almost 3 sec to update every frame. And it’s not like ‘grade’ in case-1, everytime i change the transform, it needs to recalculating up stream again and again. Diskcache is not working ??

(3) after running (2) , i go back to ‘grade’ node, now if i play the clip then change the color (grade), it will ask me for another 3 sec per frame for the first cycle. Something is wrong? there’s no change in the up stream. So where the hell this 3 sec is coming from? everytime i switch to (2) then go back to ‘grade’ node, i will have to waste 3 sec per frame.

Does anyone have any experience on this ? I test it using 6.2v2.


Attached Files
File Type: nk diskcache problem.nk (52.4 KB)

Shotgun API in Nuke

Hey everyone,

I want to work with Shotgun in Nuke.
I imported the Python API Bindings "shotgun_api3"
Nuke throws an ImportError, saying that Module "_md5" was not found. The same Script works fine when I run it outside of Nuke (in a different python environment)

Can anyone help?
