I am doing compositing in Nuke for a film shot on the Canon 5D. The footage was ingested into the Avid at DNxHD 120. The editorial department states that the 5D footage has no timecode, so image sequences must be exported directly from that codec after cutting is completed.
The editor exported targa sequences in RGB color space. However, when I imported the sequences into Nuke, the colours were overly saturated and the blacks were very crushed. It didn’t look anything like the original footage. We also tried exporting targas with a different colour space setting ("605/709", I believe it was called). We got the same results.
The tech in editorial said that this was part of their normal workflow for 5D footage and that we should, quote: "lift the footage by 16" (not sure what he means – haven’t spoken to him directly about this yet).
A colleague brought in a quicktime of the 5D footage and matchgraded the the 5D targa files to it. The grade was a 1.2 gamma lift, I believe. I guess this is a workaround. However, it seems like the wrong way to go about working with files like this.
Can anyone shed some light on this issue, please? What’s the best 5D to Avid to Nuke workflow? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.