Normals Node

For some reason the Normals node breaks every time I change the frame, If I alter any setting it works….then I go to another frame it breaks…if I set that setting I just changed back to what I had it fixes it… can’t hold the data for some reason…which means I can’t render it. Does anyone know if there is a fix for this problem?

Nuke/Rush – Render fail with CameraTracker

Hey all,

Just want to see if anyone else is having this problem or if its a well known bug.

Nuke version: NukeX6.2v2
Rush version: 102.42a9d

So, here’s the problem. I’ve done a 3D camera track using Nuke X’s CameraTracker. Solved the track and created a scene from the track (generated a Point Cloud, Camera, and Scene node). I want to check my track with the point cloud by attaching a Scanline Render node to it with the camera inputted as well and my plate in the bg input. When I try to render this simple comp over our farm every single frame fails because of this error:

ERROR: No curve named ‘Min Length’

and below it says:

CameraTracker2.trackCurves: No curve named ‘Min Length’

I’ve seen this error before but in the past I’ve only need the camera generated from the CameraTracker, so I bake out the Camera’s animation and delete the CameraTracker node. After doing that the render works so I haven’t fretted. But this time I need the CameraTracker in order to generate the point cloud.

Sorry for the extremely long explanation.

Has anyone else seen this problem? Is it common? Solutions?

Thanks in advance!

General Postproduction Workflow

Hello Everybody

I’m currently editing a music video, which basically consists of lots of different shots of the same song which now have been cut together in Final Cut Pro. Now I need to perform some post work on them (color correction, roto-splining, …) for which I want to take nuke. How would you manage that? Do you export each cut individually, create a nuke project for each one, render each one out and bring it back to final cut pro? Or is there a better way (I hope so)?

Another thing I was thinking about is working with just one nuke project and multiple read and write nodes – but then I still need to export all the sequences individually. We’re talking about 20 to 30 cuts.

I think that some things like color correction can be done on the whole film. In this case, do you export the final project to Nuke once more and then render out the final image?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Shape animation on roto

Is there some kind of i setup my roto to shape animation? i wouldn´t like to work with animation in each points..

thank you

unable to execute this script

im trying to execute the following script and couldnt get it executed..


import nuke, os

#This part of the scripts checks the output path and if it doesn’t exist it creates it for you
def CheckOutputPath():
file = nuke.filename(nuke.thisNode())
dir = os.path.dirname(file)
osdir = nuke.callbacks.filenameFilter(dir)
os.makedirs (osdir)
except OSError:

#This script adds the ‘CheckOutputPath()’ script to a selected write node (this can be added as a button in the GUI of Nuke)
def AddCheckOutputPath():
for node in nuke.selectedNodes():
if node.Class() == ‘Write’:
node.knob(‘beforeRender’).setValue(‘CheckOutputPat h.CheckOutputPath()’)
nuke.message(‘This script can only be added to a write node’)


ive created a py button and its not executing it…
pasted in prerender location still it gives errors…

anyway to use this properly?

3D Camera Tracking with Surveyed Data.

I was wondering how to align a camera track to survey data taken out at the scene? I know this could be done using the projectionSolver, but the surveyed section is only visible at the end of the shot so I would need to use camera tracking at least for the beginning. Any Suggestions would be great, thanks.


Nuke 6.2v4 released

This is a maintenance release of Nuke with several bug fixes.

Nuke 6.2v4

Release Date
8 April 2011

Supported Operating Systems
• Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” and 10.6 “Snow Leopard” (32- and 64-bit)
• Windows XP SP2, XP64, Windows 7 64-bit
• Linux RHEL 5.4 64-bit

New Features
There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements
There are no feature enhancements in this release.

Bug Fixes
• BUG ID 10813 – A Python callback was returning unexpected knob values in a customer script.
• BUG ID 16117 – Too many channels in a script prevented selection.
• BUG ID 16507 – FurnaceCore error messages did not display in the Viewer.
• BUG ID 16881 – Excessive evaluation of knob expressions occurred in Nuke. • BUG ID 17082 – RotoPaint: The spline key options and the view control disappeared behind the stroke/shape list when you expanded the properties panel.
• BUG ID 17495 – Customized Python panels saved in a layout caused Nuke to crash.
• BUG ID 17506 – FurnaceCore: The F_ReGrain node produced a bleached image.
• BUG ID 17637 – Python: nuke.root().showControlPanel() wasn’t correctly showing the Project Settings Panel.

Full Release Notes (PDF)

Product Website


How can i create a spillmap in nuke? thanks!

Gizmos all over the nodegraph

When I add a gizmo to the node graph, some of them show up at the position of the mouse as normal Nuke nodes, but other show up at random places in the nodegraph so you have to look around for them. Anyone know how to fix this? Nuke 6.2 on both Win and Mac.

Calling Relight and position to points nodes

Hey guys how can you call the relight tool and the position to points nodes without updating the all plugins menu …. I just want to put it in my so I can have it ….

Thank you.