Script error

I want all the read nodes(scans which starts like xxxxx and ends at yyyyy) in my script to start at 1. i have written a script as below
nuke.knobDefault("Read.frame_mode", "startat")

but i am getting error.

the frame range and original frame range also changes to 1…
where i went wrong please help me

thanks in advance

Some Keying advice – Corner artefacts

My apologies if this sort of issue has been covered in these forums. I’m in a bit of a rush and can’t go through all the threads.

I’m getting some dirty artifacts in corners using Keylight. I recieved the footage from client, so I am lacking information on how it was shot. I hope it is not arising from some sort of edge enhancement features on-camera that may affect keying.

Any advice would be great. Images attached. Green is the screen BG, and blue is after keying.

Thanks guys!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-05-03 at 4.15.04 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	14.6 KB
ID:	11736

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-05-03 at 4.22.23 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	18.3 KB
ID:	11737

Maya exr and empty channel

When I render Maya EXR and give render token
name_<render_pass> > the exr files come out separate
so far so good.
however bring it in Nuke, the image looks black , cause the first channel is empty
DO i have to do copy node to make them appear in the RGB ?

processbridge folder


I just had for the second time today an alert from windows telling me there is not enough space on C:

I found that Nuke wrote 16Gb in
C:\Documents and Settings\…\Local Settings\Temp\nuke\processbridge

My cache disk folder is on the other partition of my HDD.

In my task manager, there are a lot of prcesses named: NukeQuickTimeHelper-32.exe

When I closed all of them (around 20 …) I was able to delete the content of processbridge folder.

I have been working with .mov files directly in my node graph maybe this could be one of the explanations to that problem.

I work on Nuke 6.2 v2.
Does anybody already had this problem? I don’t find anything on the internet.

Thanks in advance

Rotoshape Animation Interpolation Curves


There appears to be a problem with the interpolation of the animation curves of a rotoshape in Nuke. From what I can see by default the curves are set to spline. They can be set to linear in the curve editor. The problem seems to be when saved closed and the file reopened the curves set back to spline. Is this a preferences issue, or some kind of other setting or could it possibly be a bug in Nuke?

Many thanks in advance.


Need Help – Click and Drag isn’t working

Maybe I missed something, maybe I set something wrong somewhere… but when I add any node that has a point to click and drag, I can’t move it. I add a Ramp, I can’t move the end points. I add a Tracker, I can’t move the center point, the bouding boxes, etc. I can use a roto node just fine, though. I can draw roto shapes, move the points around, everything.

So, is there something I missed in the settings, or what?

Thanks in advance!

GridWarp motion blur?

Hello everyone,

I wonder what would be the best way to motion blur an animated GridWarp distortion?

CornerPin is motion-blured by default. Why GridWarp isn’t?

I noticed in render panel of GridWarp some controls for ‘shutter’ and ‘shutter offset’, so there must be a reason for these controls to be there even if they’re not affecting the look.

Optical flow would be an overkill because motion data is already in animated grid points so why not use that data instead of analysing the footage?

I tried to add a motion channel (100% white) before the GridWarp but then the image is evenly blurred even without any animation.

Excuse my ignorance and thanks for your help.

Expression Node


I’m trying to get to grips with the color expression node and i thought i would have a go at trying to create different color palettes by perhaps specifying color ranges and correcting these.

Has anybody got any interesting resources that demonstrate how something like this can be done? My main issue is with my lack of TLC expression knowledge.

Just realized this is a general forum, the software I am using is Nuke!


Keylight asked for too-large input image

I am trying to pull a key from a large image (about 16K wide) using Keylight but I am getting an error saying the image is too large. Seemed to be happy doing it for a while, now it’s given up. It seems to behave fine when I set my downrez to be a lower value.

So does Keylight have a size restriction?


Working with Motion Vectors…

I’ve been trying to think of how to do this for awhile and am not having any luck.

Basically I want to analyze some footage, get motion vectors and isolate only the areas that are moving in the Y direction.

The RSMB vectors don’t look like it isolates Y movement that well. I can extract the vectors from the OFlow node, but I don’t think the color info relates to direction of movement, just the length and direction of the lines.

Any one want to help? Am I missing something with the RSMB color data?