any way to read all the passes individually select them? like diffuse, specular, reflection etc..?
one more rotation problem
Posted in: NUKE from The Foundryrotation goes not along the axis
(i know i need set rotation order, and translation order, but i do not get a logic behind that)
some body can make small explanation:(
pls dont send me to manual
i try to offset a pivot of 3d object. after i do this i rotate my object and rotation goes wrong. it not rotate by the new location of pivot
what i am doing wrong ?
I know one
lightwrap ..
are there any other nodes?
Is there anyway pls help me..
I’m in the process of getting more advanced with nuke and would like to ask a couple of questions that may get you thinking even if you’re really used to working with nuke.
I’d like to hear anyone’s answer,
I know that when you work in nuke it’s necessary to sometimes premultiply/unpremultipy.
I know that this is necessary when you need to use the over operator.
I also know that it’s recommended to unpremultiply/premultiply for color correcting.
correct me if I’m wrong
While using the channel nodes such as shuffle-copy, channel merge, do these premultiply the image or should you do a premultiply before/after merging channels or shuffling them around from different sources?
For example, you get the r,g and b channels from different sources and then copy in the alpha from another source.
Would the alpha be premultiplied at this point with the r,g, b if you had done a premult furthur up in the stream or should you do it after the merge or shuffle?
nuke on linux
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryI’ve been running nuke 5.1 on linux (64 bit) for a while now and am very happy with the performance except for these 2 quite annoying problems which are really holding me back to make the full switch.
I’ve been hanging on these forum’s for a while now but did’t see a thread about this.
First, does anybody who runs nuke (5.1) on linux (centos 5.2 64bit) have problems keeping the viewer on top of the DAG, i mean every time i move or adjust a node (i work in classic layout 6) the viewer disappears.
Second, the performance of framecycler is very poor on my box, it cant’t keep the sync or just freezes.
I think it might be the nvidia driver config but i tried pretty much all the settings, It could also be a caching issue since if i clear the cache it runs ok for one time but after that same problem.
Does any of this sounds fammiliar?
Posted in: NUKE from The Foundryok this still kicking, especially due to it being a very simple thing plus I did have this working.
ok what I am trying to do is use a bezier to section out my key into areas like hair and other areas that need special attention.
I see it done in fxPHD tuts (not explained but shown the result) and it work for on a couple of keys.
I have attached a script (this is the way it was layed out in the tut and how I "had it" working) where it does not work, you will see that I have created a channel for the mask / bezier.
if some one could point to were my stupidity kicks in..
on the brighter side I have other ways to do this but this is far more elegant.
Rendering in Nuke
Posted in: NUKE from The Foundryok! who can tell me what the trick is…
this will occur 5 out of 10 times…
when I render, whether to file or flip book nuke will render 99% of a frame and just sit there, it has not crashed because when I move the mouse the next frame is rendered and so on, it will continue to render if the mouse keeps moving..
remove dv artifacts in nuke
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryI’m using 4:1:1 footage from miniDV.
Would anyone know of a good operator in nuke to remove what they call "DV artifacts"?
In After Effects I used the Median effects.
I’m not sure what this would be in Nuke.