I’ve got about 80 bezier shapes that I want to change the color of. I was thinking it’d be faster to change their colors by using a text editor on my script. But I can’t seem to figure out where the color information is. I pasted a couple of Bezier’s in script format below. Anyone know how to do this?
Bezier {
points {{
{187.5 237.4}
{239.8 237.2}
{239.4 188.2}
{187.3 187.9}
shape {{curve i L x474 0}}
center {640 360}
name Bezier58
xpos -1473
ypos 3842
Bezier {
points {{
{186.5 181.4}
{238.8 181.2}
{238.4 132.2}
{186.3 131.9}
shape {{curve i L x474 0}}
center {640 360}
name Bezier79
xpos -1461
ypos 3927