Changing bezier color in text editor?

Hi all,
I’ve got about 80 bezier shapes that I want to change the color of. I was thinking it’d be faster to change their colors by using a text editor on my script. But I can’t seem to figure out where the color information is. I pasted a couple of Bezier’s in script format below. Anyone know how to do this?


Bezier {
 points {{
{187.5 237.4}
{239.8 237.2}
{239.4 188.2}
{187.3 187.9}
 shape {{curve i L x474 0}}
 center {640 360}
 name Bezier58
 xpos -1473
 ypos 3842
Bezier {
 points {{
{186.5 181.4}
{238.8 181.2}
{238.4 132.2}
{186.3 131.9}
 shape {{curve i L x474 0}}
 center {640 360}
 name Bezier79
 xpos -1461
 ypos 3927

Proxy mode


what’s the purpose of Proxy mode in NUKE ?
Is it possible to give a little example?



change knobValue with python

hay all
python question
how can i change value of all selected nodes
(if i have 20 Transform nodes and i want change Rotation for all them together)

Problem on working with Nuke bezier

Hello All
Excuse me about my bad engligh
When i am working with bezier node and drawing a shape for mask and also i want to make cusp (C) a one point of bezier my viewer switch to 3d mode (TOP view) . plase help me ….
again excuse me for my bad english

Propreitory Nuke files? and Gizmos

I want to secure the nuke files and my custom scripts in the studio. So I just dont want the file to be misused outside the studio. So please tell me so that the nuke files whatever I will be creating in my studio should have some uniqueness where it shouldnt open in other software… how do I embed this in the nuke file… any suggestions…

How to change a color in Nuke?

Hi folks,

probably a very simple thing, but I can’t find a way right now:

How can I change a color within an image?

The situation is this: Green-Red-Image-Content and I want to be able to separatly change each color.

I’d appreciate a quick response. Thanks a lot in advance.


Color Correction help


I am new to Nuke 5, and I wanted to ask you if there is a node/CC node where I can manage to make the white-greeny circle around the blue mat the same blue color. I need it, of course, for a sequence. I tried to make a luma matte from the r or g channel, but bad pixel appeared and its not 100% covering the white-greeny spot.
I don´t want to mask the little circle all 100 frames, maybe there is a method in Nuke I am not aware of? I tried the hue-shift but it didn´t work well for me 🙁

The picture tga is as attachment (sorry I cannot show anymore, just the cropped one).

Thank you very much in advance!

Attached Files
File Type: tga color.tga (312.5 KB)

Pftrack and nuke compo issue :)

Hi guys…. I have a tiny 🙂 compo with 3d pftrack import scene in Nuke. In this compo I have a previous croma key from a windows, and y need to put some buildings 🙂 behind from croma, like a town ;).

This post have a little capture screen, and a nuke script to test this problem. I need… to put this airplane from picture, behind from windows in a 3d space. This is a only one example.

The real work is put a buildings behind windows. 😉

Sorry for my English….

Thank… JUAVE

In spanish, en español:

Que tal… necesito poner como vemos en la imágen de referencia… el avión detrás de la ventana con el croma, en el espacio de cámara 3d que he importado a nuke. La secuencia final llevará como digo, unos edificios detrás del croma echo a la ventana.

Adjunto jpg de referencia de prueba de la compo y script de nuke.

Muchas gracias…. JUANVE

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Snapshot 2009-02-06 19-49-25.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	254.9 KB
ID:	7217
Attached Files
File Type: nk Test3dpftrack.nk (133.7 KB)

Properties panel (python)

Hi guys,

This board is always so useful for questions like this so we’ll see how we go this time!

I’m looking for the variable used to change the maximum number of windows allowed in the properties panel (top left in the properties panel, that little integer). Any ideas? I swear I’ve found every other possible value except the one I’m looking for.

I’m having no luck, it must exist somewhere. I’m switching this number frequently and would love to create a few shortcuts for myself, a little lazy sure, but would save me seconds each day 😛


Uv pass and Texture map in post?

I have uv pass from the 3d software but I want to map a texture and manipulate it in the post? is it possible any node for that? to map pixel from one image to map pixel to another image?