Procedural Model Makeup

I’ve been in after effects for a long time and became lazy and dependent on plugs for this type of work. After some time Nuke I can’t go back to AE so…

I started on a girl’s "makeup" today and would love any input you may have. I shared an EXR and my beginning script. I hoped to share and learn any great tips you guys may have and care to share.

1. There maybe a better way to get a skin key
2. It seemed that a masked median node worked fairly well but there maybe a prettier way for this
3. A subtle skin tinted and masked glow

I haven’t worked on the eyes yet, but this open game! Let’s see your chops!

Attached Files
File Type: zip B007_C008_0103F9_001 (02954) (7.24 MB)
File Type: nk AmyHERO.nk (9.1 KB)

visualizing only one bezier

hi guyz, i have a scene with many bezier mask.
i’d like to know how to hide all but one bezier, so that i can edit point easily.
with o i set the overlay off and on and i can hide all the stuff over the image, i tried disabling with d….and double clicking to select only the beazier i wanna edit….but i still find hard to find the bezier i want….so if there are any tricks…id like to know:)

thanks in advance

Camera Export from Nuke TO Maya


i am trying to export my nuke camera into maya. but despite after importing the chan file and calculating the aperture settings from nukes centimeters into mayas inches no placed geometry will fit int the scene. have i forgotten something very important???

Nuke Pro – New Name Poll

Personally I’m not into the name change
>Check this out

Mask Inputs On Read\Constant Nodes

Perhaps I’m jumping the gun by asking this question, as I’ve only been using nuke for a few days, but why don’t the read and constant nodes have mask inputs? I’m coming from an After Effects/Fusion background and doing something like cutting out a solid color or an imported image with a mask is very straight forward. I was able to successfully cut out a ‘rectangle’ node with a bezier, as it does have a mask input, but it looks like any node under the ‘image’ menu is output only. Could someone describe how they might accomplish something like this in Nuke?


Flare Masking and Expressions

Two different questions in one here. I’m still fairly new to Nuke, and finding help on alot of things seems to be rather daunting. Anyway, i’ll hope right to it.

1. How does masking with Flares work exactly? I have a flare i need occluding from, say, a ship flying by. How exactly does one use the alpha/rgb/whatever of the ship as the mask to occlude the flare?

2. If anybody’s savvy with expressions, i’m trying to code/work out a way to automatically calculate animated blur/glint brightness/size based on, say, the size of an engine-ball tracking mark, or, maybe the distance of an axis node in 3d space from the camera.

2 is less pertinent for now and, likely, more complicated, but if anybody could help, I’d be most grateful. Cheers!


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How to RELOAD/REFRESH images???

i think this is a simple question, but i have problems finding out..
does anyone knows how to refresh the images in NUKE?
like with a shortcut button or any option in the interface?


Edge Issue!!!

Hi can anyone tell me why the alpha edge i have is slightly inconsistent?
The TEA.tga is a resultant of TEA_Diffuse.tga multiply by TEA_Lighting.tga
I have tried to turn on/of premultiply in the properties dialogue but that has not helped.
Attached below is the comparision of the 2 images which different edge.

TCL for saving a file?

Hey, I’ve tried to find an answer, but my searches are coming up blank. Is there a way using tcl script, to save the Nuke file you are working on? For example, I want to make a button on a node that saves the file. Any ideas?