I’ve just finished tracking a shot in PFTrack and have exported it as a Nuke Python file. Everything imports perfectly into Nuke, I also exported the undistorted plate from PFTrack too, so things are lining up nicely.
My question is, how on earth do I re-distort the final output? I’d normally track and un-distort everything entirely inside Nuke, so I’d simply reapply the same lens distortion node at the end of my tree.
I’ve just no idea how to transfer the low order distortion information from PFTrack to Nuke?
I’d be over the moon if anyone could shed some light on this for me.
Thanks in advance.
aa problems with mat IDs
Posted in: NUKE from The Foundryid like to change the color of these blue ball to green…
but get allways artefacts on the edges…
whats the best way to do that..?
Im using motion vectors out of Maya
mental ray has a motion blur option called motion steps
Its very useful when rendering something like plane rotating blades.
In nuke with the motion vectors I cant not get these steps to appear?
So using deadline, it’s recommended to place the render output into a server. i got a case where i have a very complex script, ussually i will ‘precomp’ at certain ‘checkpoint’ by rendering it out then read it back in and i’ll repeat this steps couple more times. Now, if i submit the project to rendermanager , the render output will be in server side. To deal with my precomp scenario, i need to copy back all the render result locally, so i can get the ‘speed’. This is a bit different compare to 3d animation, where the texture/map etc is not to critical when they have to be in the server, They’ll be needed when rendering. But in Nuke, all the read proccess is very intense, so frame by frame got read successively. So did u do copy all the render output from server back to local ? or u grab the clips directly from network which means you have a bloody fast server + lightning fast cabling.
Also how to deal with the relative path thing? do u convert all the path from all ‘read’ node into relative path or any other method ? so the render slave can get the correct path for all the media/clip etc??
Any suggestion will be great.
Thanks for the help.
I have a project that got corrupted and the previous incremement had far less roto work than the current one (yes, slap on the wrist for not saving more frequently). Now as much as I would LOVE to do it all again I’m afraid the enjoyment would be too much so I want to see if I can retrieve.
I’ve had cases before where a corrupt project loses all data contained and reverts to 0kb but on this one it look like it’s all still there, but I get this message when opening:
missing close-bracket
Or if I try to restore autosaved it ‘opens’ the project but nothing is loaded just the name of the project.
Any suggestions on a way to hack it or anything related would be appreciated.
Cant delete nodes in Nuke
Posted in: NUKE from The FoundryIm just starting out in Nuke and seem to be getting the basics down ok for now, but one thing is driving me crazy. Everytime I try and delete a node I get the following message…
dependent() takes at most 1 argument (2 given)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:/Program Files/Nuke6.2v4/plugins\nukescripts\\", line 25, in node_delete
d = nuke.dependentNodes(nuke.EXPRESSIONS | nuke.HIDDEN_INPUTS, nuke.selectedNodes(), False)
File "C:/Program Files/Nuke6.2v4/plugins\nuke\", line 104, in dependentNodes
for i in nodes: deps += i.dependent(what, forceEvaluate = evaluateAll)
TypeError: dependent() takes at most 1 argument (2 given)
I dont really know how the scripts work, so the information above is not helping me.
I’ve searched forums and the user guide and all I find is press delete to delete nodes or from the files menu… Neither way is working for me and all I get is the above message.
As I am just starting out in Nuke Im trying new things and I want to delete nodes to keep what Im doing nice and tidy. Things quickly get messy when I can delete any nodes. this happens with image read nodes, and effect nodes. Seems to be any type of node.
Anyone know why Im getting this message and how I can fix it?
Im using NukeX 6.2v4 on Win7x64