PFTrack camera export to Nuke


I’m having a problem with Nuke and PFTrack. I have tracked a shot and exported the camera data as a Nuke script. When I open the script in Nuke the prediction points are slightly off when compared to the pftrack data. Also the amount of prediction points have reduced dramatically.

Does anyone know what’s happening here and how I might be able to fix this?


5.2 v1 lut default

in Nuke 5.1v6 , I had something like that in my

nuke.knobDefault("Root.monitorLut", "linear")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.viewerLut", "linear")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.int8Lut", "linear")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.int16Lut", "linear")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.logLut", "Cineon")
nuke.knobDefault("Root.floatLut", "linear")

but in 5.2v1, linear doesn’t exist anymore in the viewerLut but there is None instead
I thought this line could fix the problem but I was wrong.
nuke.knobDefault("Root.viewerLut", "None")

It stays in SRGB

Any clue?


expression infos?

is there a place with more examples about the expression node?

For example and I don’t know if it’s possible, I’d like to get the in the red of an expression node and the (syntax isn’t correct) (I know I could use a shufflecopy but wonder if I could do without).

I just look for a site or video with more example.

I’d like to do something like that in my expression node
rgb = –


Set alpha in nuke

Hey guys,

just came from shake and wondering what is the equivalent of "set alpha" in nuke? can’t find it in any documents and its driving me nuts Im trying to set the alpha of an image I rotoscoped in a scene.

Thanks guys


Nuke Scripting

Hi Everyone ,

this is a basic scripting doubt,

how to animate trans y alone based on time,noice,sin,rand functions,

like what we generally do in shake application,

i am very new to Expressions,

help me out some basics web sites to learn the basics expressions for nuke:confused::confused::confused::confused::confu sed:

Working with animated FBX file in Nuke

We are looking to re-build part of a moving car for a shot with a moving camera. We have a great camera solve that imports well in Nuke.

We want to re-project part of the image back on a moving car model (FBX). It seems that the FBX’s do not automatically support object (car) animation.

Is the correct? I see that there is a Chan file import tab within the ReadGeo node. Is this how animation data in applied to object? If this is the case, is there a clever way to export object specific data out of Maya and link it back to Nuke?

Nuke 5.2v1 Released

Nuke 5.2v1

Release Date
27 August 2009

Supported Operating Systems
• Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” (32-bit only)
• Windows XP SP2, XP64
• Linux CentOS 4.5 (32- and 64-bit)

New Features
• Metadata
• Precomp Node
• DiskCache Node
• Tile Node
• Monitor Output
• Dockable Progress Panels
• Input Processes and Viewer Processes
• Frame Ranges
• Panalog, RedLog, ViperLog, and REDSpace LUTs
• REDCODE (.r3d) Files
• Python Panels
• Python Callbacks
• Stereo FrameCycler
• 3D


Release Notes

Product Website


Hi guys I am learning nuke,I wonder I didn’t find bins concept in nuke but we have bins in fusion,please some one guide me if it is there…!!

thanks in advance,

photograph replacement w/ roto

I am working on a shot where i must replace a photograph within
a picture frame. However, there are 2 hands that are constantly
covering up parts of the photo. I was able to successfully roto the
hands, but i was wondering how i get the hands to cover the portions
of the new photo, so that the hands go back over the new photo. Currently,
the new photo is locked tight, but it covers parts of the hands

Default input process?

Anyone know if there is a way to get Nuke’s viewer to automatically load a particular node into the input_process on launch? I’m trying to enable the input_process to load a 3D LUT into the input process when Nuke launches. Thanks!