Multiple camera projections!

Hello guys,

I’m new to this forum and new nuke user.

Would anyone help me please to find a tutorial about multiple camera projections in nuke?

through my research I found these inspiring links

Also Frank from the Foundry did some bridging between Nuke and Mari here :

But there is no clue about how he did the multiple projections in nuke!

Stereo EXR from Nuke

Is it possible to render stereo EXR from Nuke?
I mean One file containing Left and Right eyes.

Best way to flip group of cards

I have 5 or so 2d cards that I want to flip horizontally.

I want to do it on a group basis and not an individual basis (the reformat node has a flip function that is exactly what I want, but it doesnt work on 3d objects and I need to flip them before they hit the scene node.

I guess I could add a reformat node onto the 2d image before I pipe it into the card… but is that the best/most efficient way to do it?

Any tips are welcome. Thanks.

Q: Get the top node of a script in Python

Hi, guys
Suppose a script in NUKE like:
Read1 (the Top node)
Does NUKE Python have a command to get the top node of the whole script tree?

I want to add a new node and get the top node at the same time, so I don’t worry about what is the top node in any script tree in NUKE.
Thanks for reading

Stereo setup problem

Hallo everyone,

I started to work on my very first stereo project, stereo footage tracked in dedicated software, cameras imported into Nuke and some simple geometry as well.
My task – extend BG with additional objects placed in depth.
The way – created a Scene with cards in proper positions in depth, with Cameras from matchmove (see example picture).
Now the problem:
I had strange Nuke behavior – when i am toggling between cameras in 3D View i see right behavior – object have horizontal shift due to stereo effect.
BUT!!! when i am previewing from Scanline render and toggling between Right and left views – i see that some of objects are obtaining vertical shift, not all object, not picture generally, some objects just jumping up and down!!!

Problem was solved without actually understanding what happened in the way showed in Example, but i still have no idea what went wrong there.
Any ideas?

Attached Thumbnails

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Macpro 12 core vs 8 core for Nuke

Does anyone ever do real comparison between 8core and 12 core mac pro running Nuke 6 ? How big the difference in term of Nuke’s rendering? Of course it’s recommended by having more cores and 12 cores must be faster, but is spending $1000 more to get 12 core really worth it? or better stay on 8 core while spending the money for other stuff like faster HDD or bigger RAM or maybe upgrading Graphic card to quadro? Any idea ? Does anyone got any experiences? so far, is there any incompatibility issue between 12 core and Nuke/Nuke plugins/Nuke IO ? any issue with quadro card?


Gizmo Query???

hi, i have created a gizmo,which is like reformating your footage and making it a DV-pal format,with timecode and shot details.the problem is i have some unwanted input arrows,which i wanted to avoid…how can i do it?? have uploaded some screenshots…

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Join Views node Error

I have a simple stereo scene, where i am displacing a card to create a 2d to 3d conversion. All working except for when i try to preview using the anaglyph node.

I’ve connected up my left and right inputs into the JoinViews node but the right output is the same as the input for the read node, and not showing the displacement i have on it.

Left shows correct
Right shows input with none of the displacement on it.

I’ve double checked my workflow and its all working how it should the left and right streams are displaying correctly apart from if I connect it to the JoinViews node.

I have not had this problem before. Any ideas? my nuke file is set up for stereo.

Any help would be appreciated.


Sapphire for Nuke

Hi Guys

Can anybody tell me what is this Genarts RLM Server and how can i get to Install it on my system for Nuke as I already have Saaphire for Nuke but it is always asking for this RLM Server.


Python button inside DAG?

Is there a way to create a nuke button actually inside the DAG? I guess you’d have to double click on it to run it as single click is for moving it around..

Totally expecting the answer to be no, but it’d be cool.. thanks.