Difference between blur solutions?

In my hunt for more Nuke knowlege Im curious about different ways to generate motionblur. As I have seen in some videotrainingvideos, to get blur from a 3D scene, they put a Vectorblur that is fed a Motionblur2D or Motionblur3D which get their motion-data from the scanline renderer. But why? Why not use a vectorblur directly piped in after the scanline renderer?

Guess I have missed something important here aboute the Motionblur3D?


2d tracking in a 3d space?

HI guys
I was wondering if their is a way to apply a 2d track to a 3d space
let me explain

I have a big panorama let say 8000×3000, i put it on a card and then a 3d scene, a camera, a constant and a scanline render to shoot the panorama in pal (768×576).
I set the constant to 768×576
no problem everithing is fine.

Now i have a plate with a blue screen that i need to track (nodal pan and zoom), i put a track node. The track works very well.
I put a transform node after the scanline render.
I link the tracker to the transform node

It works fine, the image follow the track but….

I have black area around the 768×576, which is normal because, i have set my constant to this value.

Is their a way to avoid this, to see around the scanline render, or to transform my 2d data
in a 3d space and put it on my camera

thx in advance

I put a merge after the scanline render that i connect to the plate.

3D Nuke Compositing: Getting Started?

I have a solid background in 3D Software (Maya, Max, Rhino, etc), rendering (Mental Ray, Vray), and composting those 2D channels in nuke. The "only" part of nuke I don’t understand is the 3D nodes. Once I get past the basics, understand the general workflow, I shouldn’t have much difficulty from there.

What are some good tutorials or resources for getting started with basic nuke 3D composting?

maya camera under animated locator >> nuke


I have an animated camera under a locator that also has translation and rotation keys. I export the camera as fbx and load it in nuke but i dont know how to get the locator data in.

I tried baking everything in maya but the camera doesnt inherit keys from its parent locator.

any ideas?


snap to frame in animated curves?

how can i make snap to frame in animated curves? (while i move keyframes with mouse)

Color picker to be showing in log and display in linear

how can i get this color picker to be showing in log space values and the viewer needs to be linear any tips how this can be done?

how to set env variables in Nuke

Im trying to create couple of env variables that I want to use in Nuke…

I believe python can do the job? if so then is it

setenv ? command

or anything else?

how do i call the variables then? is it like…

setenv user


pls help me…

pulldown with values


is it possible to create a pulldown knob and assign values to the entrys?

here is an example from a pulldown knob. entry 80 has the value 0 and entry 500 has the value 1. but i wanna entry 80 to have value 80 (or something else) and so on…

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 5.2100
push $cut_paste_input
NoOp {
name NoOp1
selected true
xpos -702
ypos 597
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {4 scene l SCENE M {80 500 "" ""}}
scene 500
addUserKnob {3 value l VALUE}
value {{this.scene}}

3d viewer: making area outside frame black?

Hello all!

When in a 3d viewer, the area outside the frame shows all the geometry.

When you’re in a 2d viewer, the outside of the frame is always "cropped" (black), so it only show the frame as you would see it when you render it.

Is there a way to "crop" of the outsides of a 3d viewer frame? So I only see what’s inside the frame, without the distracting elements outside the frame?
Having to wait till the scene is rendered takes to long sometimes 😉

What formula Nuke use for Lens correction in Card Node?

In the Card node, I see that there’re 2 Lens correction models.
the first one is lens distortion with a, b & c parameters.
I assume the formula was explain in this page on PanoTools site
Am I right?

and what about the other one?
the Old distortion, with distortion and power parameter
what’s the formula that take this 2 parameters and do the lens correction?
if I were to write my own lens correction script, so I can mimic what Nuke does on Card node.

Thank you