Lights Out tool

Hi all,

Here’s a tool that lets you turn off (almost) all of the brightness in the GUI, then turn it back on (to what your saved prefs show). For Nuke 5.1v5/6 and 5.2v1/2.

Might be usefull if you want to grade something in the Viewer without the distraction of the surrounding colours.. or, perhaps if you want to have a quick play through without full-screening your Viewer with the spacebar.

Load the .py file (in the .zip) in through your script editor, and run the script to give it a go.

Example images attached.


Menu and shortcuts:

Lights Out / ‘turn em off’ – alt+shift+q
Lights Out / ‘turn em on’ – alt+shift+a




Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	lights_on.png
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Size:	622.8 KB
ID:	8485

Click image for larger version

Name:	lights_off.png
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Size:	550.1 KB
ID:	8486

Attached Files
File Type: zip (1.2 KB)
File Type: zip (1.1 KB)

attaching trackers to bezier points

Is there any way to attach Individual trackers points to Individual Points of bezier node in Nuke.??????

SSS2 pass from Vray

hey all

I have a multipasse *.exr render.

I have all the standard passes aside from GI.

I also have a sub surface scatter pass does anyone have any tip on how to recombine these to get the correct result.

I have attached an image of the DAG now where and how does the SSS2 fit in, i just cant get it to recombine

cheers all


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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ID:	8447

Removing Expression Lines

Basically I don’t want to see all these little green lines. They clutter up my script.

How do I disable them?


Properties bin

Each time I launch Nuke, the Properties Bin is set to 10. I would like to have it at 2 automatically. Is it possible?
Thank you:)

3D Lut workflow between SpeedGrade and Nuke

Does anyone have a working workflow to create 3d Lut from SpeedGrade, and then using them in Nuke ( lets say version 5.2Vx to keep things simple) ?

Maybe i’m missing something, but i don’t think i can export vector field,
The only format that seems compatible is the .3dl format, but for some reason a get a weird error message from nuke, telling me that i have negative or zero values.

After comparing the file header of a compatible .3dl file agaisnt the one comming from speedgrade, it seems that compatible files a formated in a 32x32x32 matrix, and speedgrade is outputting a 3D Mesh.

Does it makes sens to anyone ?
Few inputs would be appreciated here

Custom hot keys Nuke v5.2v1 Mac OS X

Does anyone know how one can assign custom short cuts in Nuke. As I understand it, you have to modify / create a text document. However I can’t seem to find any instructions which relate specifically to short cut modification.

I simply wish to assign ~ or shift+~ to open the Node Graph.

Here’s hoping the Foundry implement a GUI short cut modifier in the not too distant future.

Thank you for any help,


Nuke5.2v2 Released

Nuke 5.2v2

Release Date
16 October 2009

Supported Operating Systems
• Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” (32-bit only)
• Windows XP SP2, XP64
• Linux CentOS 4.5 (32- and 64-bit)

New Features
There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements
• Added a preference start file browser from most recently used directory. By default, this is enabled and the File Browser will start in the last used directory even between sessions. If disabled, the File Browser will start from the current working directory.
• Updated the RED SDK to v2. Please note that as we have updated the RED SDK, some older .r3d files may not look as you expect them to. Please ensure to check colourspace settings and additional Color Settings in the Read control panel, including kelvin, tint, etc. and adjust them accordingly to produce the desired output image.
• Included a generic 1D LUT gizmo to more easily add 1D LUTs to Viewer Process list. Getting root LUTs into the Viewer still requires a line of Python, but you can now use the generic ViewerProcess_1DLUT gizmo rather than making a separate one for each LUT. For instance:
nuke.ViewerProcess.register("Panalog", nuke.createNode, ("ViewerProcess_1DLUT", "current Panalog"))


Full Release Notes

Product Website

Compatibility issues when transferring from 5.1 to 5.2

I was wondering if anyone has a list of definite problems when going from one to the other, specifically from 5.1v2 to 5.2v1. I have a roto shot that I have started in 5.1v2 with a few keys in my script, and should probably be building my script in 2v1. Any thoughts?

Removing Cameraman from a Mirror


Any tips on how I can remove the cameraman from this shot?. A free hand move over the mirror and table. I can think of these and not sure if it fits and not yet tried any of them.

1. Paint the reflection for each frame in Photoshop
2. Matchmove the shot, make a similar geometry/model in Maya and try to project a clean plate of the mirror into the geometry?

Thankx for your help.


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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ID:	8418

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