textKnob & enter

I have a text knob and a save (python button)
is there a way to execute the save button with enter after you have entered text?

about nuke alpha

hi guys , long time no see .
i just have a question about nuke alpha .
i try to load the footage(tiff) in nuke .
when i see the footage alpha in shake , it is white

but in nuke ,it is red(in rgb)

and when i choose R ,it is white。

i dont know why ,and if i do my job in red alpha ,what will happen?

smooth edges in Key

Hey guys ….
there is a way to smooth edges with primate like in AE what Keylight does ….. I use the blur edges …. but it doesnt give what I want …. Im doing this Key in both AE using (keylight) and Nuke (Primatte) …I get a better key with Nuke but the edges are smother in AE.

I just wonder if you guys have some input …. thanks.



District 9, How is this possible?


on the Foundry’s website, there is casestudy about District 9 .. and there is a shot in it.. ( attached)..

I just want to know how is this possible?

Is there any kind of tutorial regarding this teckniques?

as you the shadows and the size of the character is deferent..
is a clean plate used for that area and then CG character is replaced?

please help, im just so curious about that

thank u in advance

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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Size:	195.9 KB
ID:	8512

Click image for larger version

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Motor to Nuke

Hi there!

I need to import motor rotos to Nuke. I know there is a script which should allow to do it but as the whole highend3d and fxshare site got reorganized lately it seems that that plugin also got lost. At least the old links do not work for it anymore:

Does anyone have it floating around on their hard disk and is able to share it?

Thank you very much!

Nuke green screen key mix overkill

Hey guys, practicing nuke keying with multiple mattes. Hoping that I am not using key mix in overkill. Please take a look at my image and let me know if there is a simpler way to accomplish a better, more streamline key.


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	keymix overkill.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	1,009.6 KB
ID:	8506

.ma tracks

I have been handed over bunch of tracks in a format of .ma. I suppose it is a maya comaptible track, camera track, 3d track?
Is there a way I could load that data straight into nuke? I got no maya stations available to me to see what lies in the files. So far I have always been working with boujou tracks.

Thank you!

Select all readers

Is there a script to select all the readers in my comp and replace them.
I know there a search and replace but you have to select first your node. Is there a way to do it without selecting the readers. Thanks!

Plugins for Nuke

Does anyone know if those plugins work for nuke:
– Sapphire
– ReelSmart Motion Blur
_ Fristchluft lenscare

For example, I think that furnace motion blur is great, but too slow. ReelSmart is much faster. As weel as Sapphire plugins, they are all a way faster than the furnace. And I want a depth of field which make good defocus and can’t find one in nuke (Zblur is a gaussian and that’s not what I want). Any idea to replace the fritschluft?


Hey guys,
I’m trying to use the nodeDelete to remove an input node within a gizmo without success.
not being a coder, I’m hitting a wall and can’t find any more info