who wants framecyler to be replaced?

maybe for something made by the foundry that allows you to run it outside of nuke. make simple edits.

what would you prefer?

rv is looking good and vfxdesktop could be fantastic if it is not sued by autodesk.

Best upscale option


Is there a nuke equivalent to the advanced image processing of the SFileIn Node in Shake (at least to upscale, retiming is another problem). Maybe a plugin for Nuke can do that ?



tcl in menu.py

When I start nuke, I want menu.py to import a tcl file like it does with the py file. Does it work the same? What is the difference between tcl and py? For example, I modify a tcl file but I want this file to be in a specific folder for everyone to access it. It work whith my python script but not with tcl. How can I do it? Thanks

Uninstalling furnace demo version

hey all

for the life of me I can not find the directory that furnace demo has been installed to I looked in library/OFX but no luck I am on mac osx


Tracking data

I need to divide my tracking data to create some parallax. After I have this FG track, I would like to parent the data to a BG plate that moves half as much as each FG x and y coordinate that I have tracked.


Nuke motion blur from Cinema 4D motion vector data

Is there any way to create motion blur in Nuke when working with Cinema 4D renders. As far as I get it, Cinema has motion vector pass (instead of velocity pass). How can i use it in nuke? Will appreciate if you give me a detailed answer.

ObjectID Pass

It may be a beginer question but i am confused.

How exactly do i use a RenderID pass inside nuke? I have a multipass render that ive putt together in a nukescript and it works fine. But how do i take a RenderID, ObjectID, MaterialID or any other ID pass to affect only a portion of the image when color correcting? I havent find the option for that.


Default Format

I want to have my project settings as soon as I launch a new nuke. How can I save them. Like frame rate, format…
can I set this by default?

Nuke pipeline

HI everyone,

Im plannin to make a proper post production pipeline for the studio in which im working… can anyone suggest me a pipeline which involves maya & max as 3d softwares and NUKE as compositor.

1. How to set up 3d software’s ( output file format ).
2. How to set up NUKE.
3. How to calculate the man hours.
4. How to keep track of the shots & its status.

Sapphire glow/alpha issue

Has anyone had this issue;?

In my script (Nuke 5.2v2) I’ve got 3d render layers comped together (all have same alpha and are premultiplied). Downstream from that I have copied my spec layer into a new channel using a copy node. Next I have a grade using spec channel as a mask. connected to the grade is a Sapphire glow v1.01 (source plugged into the grade node).
The issue I’m having is; if I connect the glow before the copy, my alpha is correct (1 where the rgb info is and 0 everywhere else). If I connect the glow after the copy, my alpha is all 1 (white). This is a problem as I am then merging the result over a background.

Is this a bug? Is there a workaround?

Thanks for any feedback!