how to put the RED ONE footage to NUKE?

I download some red one footage .
it is .r3d format
how can i transform it to raw or dpx?
thanks .

Referencing external scripts and Write multinodes

Hello there peers !

This question has probably come up before but here it goes.

I have multiple write nodes in one nuke script, each one writing to a different folder, with different ranges for frames.

Ive heard now that one can do external script referencing in Nuke 5.2, how exactly is it done, cant find it.

Or what is the other option to do it, creating some kind of gizmo, to select the each write node?

Thanks for your help !!

relative paths?? archive script ?? tired of adjusting paths?

this question came out of frustration because of adjusting too many loaders / readers each time, scene came from other collegues / vice versa.

too many artists, and because of production speed, artists keep copying mattes and other footage to any location>> upon getting script with footage folders, updating all those takes time,

i noticed a script which helps, little.
but i see, there is tutorial from nuke, in which it asks to set one path and all read nodes get that path and concatinate with their relevant value and completes path
this is amazing, can someone please explain little about how to do that…little guidance will help…

another question:
i have recently setup nuke plugins / gizmos for network, its cool, adding gizmos to one location and setting in that folder now updates everyone..
i wanted to ask, can we extend nuke scripts location in same way??
mocha shape import is script at highend, i have to copy that to nukescripts folder and add command in & __init__ to import at start.

MC Maya 2 Nuke video question

Hi all,
Ok, I’m VERY new to 3D comping, so forgive me if I sound like an idiot.
I was watching the MC maya to nuke video on the foundry’s website, and I have a question about it. In the video, it shows a building being projected onto a model. It also shows A LOT of steps that was needed to created a very suttle dolly in move.
So my question is this:
Why couldn’t he roto out the building via bezier, place it on a card, move it into Z space, and work out the rest from there? It seems like a lot of calculations & modeling that is needed to create a vey small parallax change. Not to mention, trying to align the projection on the model.
What am I not getting? Why is the projection used a lot instead of cards in z space?
Just a thought,

Environment lookup with normal pass

Hey Guys,

i want to map some reflections in nuke and all i have is a normal pass. How can i map a spherical environment to my objects like i would do with a envSphere in Maya?

Thx in advance

how can i make a tree in nuke like shake?

and this is my nuke tree:

this is the footage:

where I can download RED ONE footage?

I want to download some source to learn nuke ,some red one (or HD) footage for Primatte or keylight .
where I can download the free one ?
thanks !:D

how to compare two clips with one over other and wipe option in framecycler?

Im trying to put two clips and compare them but Im not able to do that.. can u pls guide me how to do this in Framecycler … in Nuke app Im getting this but in framecycler im not.. howz this possible…

Furnace Motion Blur

I don’t understand how this plug works. It’s very slow, it make some weird stuff on my image, it make transparency where it shouldn’t be, in a word I thinks reel smart motion blur is much better (but I don’t have it). Do you think I can make it work fine or should I tell my boss to buy RSMB? for all Users


Where do I put my to be access by all users?
I have a directory with all my settings (gizmos, python, on the network. I set my to go check in that directory. Everything work fine for me. If I want the others users to get my gizmos… I tell them to copy my in their directory (.nuke). Is there somewhere else I could put it so they don’t have to copy it?
And I also would like not to bother everyone if I change a python script and it’s not working, so that I could test my script before giving it to everybody. How could I do it?
Thanks for your help