using 3d objects in nuke as holdouts


maybe this is a stupid question, but i can’t for the life of me figure out how to do it 🙂

let’s say i bring in an object/objects into nuke from a 3d-app and then create additional fx-elements in nuke…think water-splashes on cards for example.
or even more simple…different scanlinerender-outputs in nuke and i want to use the 2 as holdouts for each other.

is there a way to use one as the holdout for the other so that it’s "matted out" basically!?

i tried using zmerge but that doesn’t do the same thing. also i’ve gone through various layermodes in combination with zmerge…but that all lead me nowhere it seems 🙂

thanks in advance for any help!


maya cam to nuke problem

Hi, I moved around a camera in maya to match an image sequence for projection. When i export the GEO to nuke it lines up with my maya file, but when i grab teh camera it comes in at 0,0,0 no longer lined up with my geo.

Im sure im not ticking a checkbox or something easy, anyone know what it is?

proper custom viewer lut workflow

Ok, we’ve got a project where we’re working with S-Log plates and Linear 3D files.
I’m trying to sort out the pipeline for Nuke, but i’m having a bit of trouble.
In shake we’ve got it set up like this:
-S-Log to Lin node
-Lin to S-Log node
-Cinespace viewerlut to view the S-Log files, to see what the grade will do to them.

What i’ve got so far in Nuke is:
-S-Log curve for read nodes
-.3dl file from cinespace/cinecube
-expression nodes (with same expressions as the shake Slog-lin nodes)
-vectorfield node set to viewer_input (with the .3dl file, and color space in to S-Log and colorspace out to sRGB)

When I view an S-Log file (with the colorspace set to S-Log) with the vectorfield node, it looks really similar to what i see in my shake viewer with the cinespace lookup (but still the whites are a tiny bit brighter).
But it doesnt make sense to put the vectorfield input to S-Log does it? If i set it to sRGB, the whites get a bit too bright compared to what I see in the Shake viewer.

Ugh…it’s getting a bit confusing. Or is it that it’s never going to look completely look the same as in shake?
Can someone recommend me the correct way to set this up?



Nuke Stereo Master Class Plus 6.1 Preview


The Foundry held its second Master Class in London on Friday, playing to packed house at the Vue theatre in Leicester Square. The event was standing-room only, having given away all the seats in only 24 hours when it was announced earlier this year.

The event focused on stereoscopic production and post…a timely program after the overwhelming success of Avatar at the box office. The Foundry actually went out and shot some stereoscopic scenes so that the entire process could be covered for their event. Throughout the day, a variety of speakers examined various issues regarding stereoscopic projects. fxguidetv will have coverage from the event in the next several weeks but in the meantime, click through for more about the event and a few details about the the upcoming Nuke 6.1 release.


Transforms and their quality

We’ve noticed at work that any kind of small scale up to an image (I’m talking 2k) generates a checkerboard pattern to it. Let’s say I scale up the image by 1.005, the image is scaled up but if you zoom in you can see this sort of grid or checkerboard pattern on it, it seems that some pixels are scaled up and other are left the same …
I’ve tried all filters and to get rid of the problem using all possible nodes:

-Card and scalineRender

Anybody knows about it?
Thanks to all,



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I am trying to figure out a way of saving a quick snapshot/screengrab of a script when the file is saved. It would be nice to capture the current view somehow.
Does anyone have any ideas ?

Transform filters in Nuke vs Shake (lanczos equivalent?)

I am trying to get to grips with the Shake to Nuke transition but I have had enormous problems with filters. I find it very hard to cornerpin track non-square pixel footage without suffering softness/aliasing upon unsquished playback within FCP.

In Shake, I would mostly only ever use:

lanczos (most of the time)
default [mitchell/sinc] (if I was being lazy)
mitchell (if lanczos still had artifacts)
sinc (if lanczos was still too soft)
impulse (if I couldn’t be bothered to keep rounding off subpixel values on pans)

But, in Nuke, only Mitchell shares the same name, and none of them seem to work nearly as well as Lanczos.

Does anyone with more Nuke experience have any idea what the best transform filters are for use in what circumstance in Nuke?

This would even be a very helpful thing to add to the Shake to Nuke transition guide methinks.

MAX2NUKE, mismatch problem

Hi everyone!
Max2Nuke is great plugin, but I have problem using it. When I render in Nuke the scene exported from max the result does not match Max’s render.

The question is what am I doing wrong?
I am using 3Ds Max Desigh 2009 x64. Rotation order in Camera node and TransformGeo is set to XZY.

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Furnace steadiness


Any one explain Furnace steadiness … how to use effectively …

i want to smoothen my shot..

plz explain ?


Open Source Lens Distortion

Saw this post over at and thought i should post it here.
Works great!


Open Source 3D-Equalizer Lens Distortion Removal Plugin for Nuke

Dear Friends of 3DE!

Matti Grüner, who is working at Trixter Film GmbH in Munich, has developed a plugin for The Foundry’s Nuke compositing software. This plugin allows it to add or remove lens distortion to/from any footage, according to 3DE4’s lens distortion model, which is done by applying efficient warping techniques – like those of warp4!

His work is based on a similar plugin for shake, originally being developed by Mark Visser for Meteor Studios, improved by Michele Sciolette (Cinesite Europe Ltd.).

Matti’s plugin is open source and can be downloaded (source code, as well as precompiled binaries) at by everyone – bug fixes, improvements and any feedback welcome!