
Hi guys, i’m having a problem with distortion and transformation in Nuke.
What I need is to transform a certain area of the image and shift it somewhere else, stretching the surrounging pixels.
If i mask an area and distort or transform it, I basically get an offsetted image "under" the maks i used. What I want, is to keep the shape of the mask and just move that area around without having to premultiply it, so that the closest pixels stretch.
Here is some screenshot:
Plate.JPG is my starting plate
dist_plate.JPG is the result I get with a normal transform or displace
partial_result.JPG is the result I would like to obtain with the difference that I don’t need the double of my image underneath it, but I need stretched pixels in that area.

Thank you so much!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Plate.JPG
Views:	N/A
Size:	62.1 KB
ID:	11826

Click image for larger version

Name:	dist_plate.JPG
Views:	N/A
Size:	65.3 KB
ID:	11827

Click image for larger version

Name:	partial_result.JPG
Views:	N/A
Size:	55.6 KB
ID:	11828

Looking for some Nuke Stuff

Hi Everyone!
First of all.. sorry about my english, but i’m spanish.

I’ve been learning nuke one month ago and now i’m trying to compilate basic knowledges. I’m looking for example for pdf’s with all nodos with it’s explanation, pdf’s with tutorials, information, etc…

I don’t want videotutorials because i work every day with the program but now i need to be faster with de compositions.

3D camera projection is blurry

Hi guys,

I’m trying to camera-project a lawn onto a card. But whatever I do, it ends very blurry after the scanline renderer. I tried several different angles for the camera and ended with -7.6 for the rotation giving me the best result. Please take a look at the attached pictures to see what I mean. Am I doing something wrong? Is it normal that I will never get a perfect result when projecting in 3D-space?

Thank you!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Original_Plate.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	1.27 MB
ID:	11805

Click image for larger version

Name:	Projection.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	561.0 KB
ID:	11806

Click image for larger version

Name:	Shot_after_ScanlineRenderer.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	1.10 MB
ID:	11807

Advice for a Projection Noob.


I am pretty new to doing projections for mattes etc, so i’m looking for a little bit of advice.

Say, I recieve a model from 3d that was roughly modelled over a photograph. I take this into nuke, and so far the only workflow i’ve been able to come up with is to load in the object, use either UVproject or Project3D and what I end up having to do, is to line up the projection camera manually, very carefully either by moving it or it’s projection parameters like the Apertures and roll etc.

So this has ended up a serious pain, because it is just such a task to line it up, sometimes it just never does. Could some more experienced compositors provide a bit of advice on how to do this easy? Am I doing this wrong?

Any advice or thoughts would help. Thanks :confused:

Multichanel problem

Hi! Well first of all, i am new here, so GREETINGS TO ALL OF YOU!

Ok, i have a strange problem. I am rendering out an EXR with RGBA channels and aditional alpha chanels for separat elements, that i need for later colorcorrection in a colorcorrection studio. Channels are present everywere in the tree, but when i add f_ReGrain nod, channels seem to disappear. I dont know why, but i hope someone can help me.

I hope i meade it clear. Sorry for the tarzan english 🙂

Knoll Unmult equivalent for Nuke???

Hi, I’m looking for a way to key out elements like fire, smoke, etc, from dark backgrounds the way I’m used to in After Effects: using Knoll Unmult, wich geenerates great alpha mattes from dark background elements.

Recently I’ve needed to key out some fire and the only working solution was using luminance keying cause doing a simple "screen" wasnt working since it doesnt retain the shadows.


8bit image + 16 bit dpx

i had this task that i should replace the sky,
my footage is 16 bit dpx from si-2k
and images of course are 8bit
so i grade the footage(dpx)first and then composite it with the 8 bit image and then regrade it back (using reverse button)
is the pipeline correct or when i go for negative printing , i would have to pay for re-printings.!! 😀

invisibility flag

I have this group in which I want to show and hide knobs using python … pretty easy …
(example –> KNOB.clearFlag(1024))
BUT, I can’t show or hide the knobs that have been picked, only the ones I created using the ‘manage user knobs’ interface …

Any ideas/solutions around?



Transform movements on a path?

Anybody have any easy tricks to move objects along a path? I am working on a piece of motion graphic where fish jump out of water, and it would be sweet to use a drawn path and move stuff along it.


Remove a huge reflection ?

Hi guys, Anyone have a suggestion how I can remove the camera reflection on helmet ?

Attachment 11803


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-05-26 at 10.35.49 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	2.62 MB
ID:	11803