Stroke Beziers?

Is it possible to use a bezier as a stroke path in the RotoPaint tool and animate said bezier?

Vectorblur within composite

I have this sequence of a creature that I want to add motion blur to it. The thing is I don’t want to use the beauty pass I want to create the passes in post and edit them till I am satisifed.

The motion vectors are rendered out of Maya using the toxik preset I have no problem with this as I have had correct results with beauty pass and motion vectors straight out of Maya.

But here lies the problem, the majority of vectorblur solutions are very simple usually rendering to exr in the same file, and considering that the beauty pass that also contains the motion vector file embeded in it.

But I have a composite that I have created from scratch and have added all the layers together creating my own beauty pass but when I add the motion blur using the vectorblur node and shuffle copy it cannot find the toxik motion vectors, not sure what to do?

My motionvector is rendered into my color pass, motionvector is toxik preset with correct shutter settings.

Looking for advice on this matter of integrating vectorblur wihin the node tree of my composite.


Nuke v5.1 How to double check bit depth on sequences?

Hi, I believe Nuke currently converts all sequences to 32bit float, but if I just want to verify what bit depth the sequence I received is in, how would I be able to tell through Nuke?

At present I am loading the sequences up in Fusion and hovering my mouse over the loader to get the bit depth info but I was curious as to how it was done in Nuke.

Thanks in advance and I appreciate the knowledge you all share with everyone here.


linking attributes between nodes

This is probably really simple, but I want to link up the hotspot position value in a Sapphire lens Flare to the hotspot position value in another Sapphire lens flare. What’s the easiest way to do this?

Computer recommendations to run Nuke, also how does render farm work?

Hi what are some computers, and specs for computers to run Nuke 6 and later comfortably, I’m talking about for PCs here, some breakdowns on Mac computers would be helpful if you want as well.

If anyone can do breakdowns of a few different setups with their costs, cpus, ram, specs etc, that would be great, giving the cheapest but usable solutions vs the most expensive, thanks. Also is a raid recommended?

Also some specs on a render farm computer or computers would be great, and how does one set that up? Do you need nuke installed on all computers?


Baking Animation from a Python Script Button

Hey Group –

What is the best way to bake some animation data from a Python Script Button knob? Is there a better way than just looping over a frame range? I’m currently trying the loop method and asking for the value while on each frame, but it only returns the value from the original frame. How can this be done to get the updated value at each frame?


for n in range(1001,1005):
    print nuke.frame(), nuke.thisNode().knob("animatedInt").value()


Scott Willman
Culver City, CA

stereoscopic newbie question

Hi,I’m starting to play with stereoscopic compositing,and I found something that I really don’t know how to solve.
Is there a way to add non stereoscopic elements to a stereoscopic composite? Imagine you have a tree with both right and left views,yo do your stuff there,and then you think that another element close to the camera woud be great. How do you add it and "stereoscopize it" in order to fit in the composite?

Linking the file property in a Read node

Hi everybody,

I’m new to Nuke and am wondering if it’s possible to link the filename from one Read to another.

I took a snapshot of what I’m trying to do, I have one Read node named source which has the image files loaded and another read with the file set to Source.file hoping that it would cause a link to happen. The reason I ask is so that I can dynamically set the filepath based on another node that determines the scripts relative path to the the data when opened.

If anyone has any other suggestions to do this that would be greatly appreciated, otherwise I figure that I’ll just write my own Read node which will allow this.


Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2010-04-13 at 12.04.31 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	169.8 KB
ID:	9607

Nuke and plate distortion

Hello VFX’rs,

What is the best method to handle plate distortion (undistort) within Nuke5.2 in order to work with CG passes for a stereoscopic pipeline. I will not have the opportunity to use Ocula. we are using Maya 2009. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Keep Nodes in Parameters when Viewing

Hi there,
When I load a node into the viewer, (by pushing 1, 2, etc.), it then selects the Viewer node in the node tree. This then closes the node I’m editing in the parameters panel. I feel like I must be missing something pretty basic, because I shouldn’t have to click the node, push 1, then double click (or cmd-click) the node just to start working on it.

Any thoughts?