Primatte edge problem

I have a problem with the primatte giving me black edges. It’s probably me who is doing something wrong.

Here is the node tree when I output the unpremultiplied image from Primatte and then do the premult with a premult node. This gives me the correct edges when doing a merge.

Correct result from the tree above.

Here is the node tree when I output the premultiplied image from Primatte. This gives me black edges when doing a merge.

Bad result from the tree above.

My question is. Why aren’t the results the same?


NukeX linking tracker to f_wireremoval

Hi, I’ve got some wireremoval shots to do and i would like to link nukes built-in tracker to track the points of the removal spline. Now you would think you could just link them with an expression i.e. Tracker1.track1.x and Tracker1.track1.y in the edit expressions tab under the wireremoval control points. The problem is that it doesn’t save it. I tried to copy the animation data manually, also doesn’t work. I don’t really wanna keyframe the wire by hand 🙁

Is this a known issue or am i missing something?

I’m on NukeX6.0v3 on win64.


Nuke composting

Hi Guys I m new to this forum and anyone help me in finding some good tutorial or link where I can read more and also learn about nuke 3D composting..


Need Help with this @#$% Plane!

Hi All,

I need everyone’s professional opinion about this 3d comp of a plane flying over head.
I am having a hard time with it and since this is not my area of expertise, I am hoping that you guys can point me in the right direction:

I am having the most issues with the plane approaching in the very far distance.
It just doesn’t look right. As it gets closer, it kind of gets better but the first few seconds are horrible.
Also, when the plane passes over the "sun", I am cheating a little but I need to have the plane block out the sun’s rays when it passes.

Some steps that I took:

3d tracked the scene
modeled to scale of the location
made sure the camera angle is correct, & that the plane is relative to the trees.

I used a lightwrap on the plane, some edge blur, etc. but just can’t get that plane to blend better.
I know what a real plane should look like, but I just can’t make it look that way!

please take a look

P.S.. Sorry for the crappy copy but I had trouble uploading so I used a very small video file.
(another thing i’m not good at, ….uploading 😀

Attached Files
File Type: mov Sequence (3.38 MB)



i have my reflection vector and normals vectors rendered.
I use StMap to map the environnment on the rendering…works great.
how do i control a fresnel effect using the normal vectors ?


probe luminance in nuke?

Hi there,
I am sure this has been asked before, but I just don’t know what to look for – just don’t know the right terms for the search function I guess.

I am am looking for something like the probe modifyer in fusion. A method to sample a region of an image to, for example, see the change of the luminance values in a sequence. I could then take these values to drive an expression or animation.

How do I go about in nuke? Or if you could point me to the correct term, I could just try the search function again 😉


How much do Nuke artist get paid?

I am have had a retouching studio in San Francisco for 15 years. All of my work has been for print, here is a link to my website so you can see the type of work I do. Well I am starting to learn nuke and plan to eventually make the switch to becoming a Nuke artist. I was wondering how much nuke artist can earn? I no there are many variables, such as commercial vs feature film, full time vs freelance and then your skill level. But cam you give me a rough idea of what I should plan on starting out at and how high it could go? I know that I would bascially be starting all over, bit I would think that all of my years of creating images for print would count for something.


tracked Nuke 6x cam to Maya problem


I have a cameratracker shot in Nuke. Then I export the nuke camera using .export .chan file. When I import the .chan file of the nuke camera in Maya, its not aligned to the footage. Its close but theres a shift. Any thoughts why? perhaps theres another method of export a tracked camera out of nuke in maya? Thank you

Matchmoving problem

Hi guys, I have a shot that I’m having major matchmoving problems with.

Firstly, apologies, I can’t post any images so I’ll describe as best as I can.

So, a guy is standing outside tunnel entrance kind of thing and then he walks into it with the camera following. I need to replace the walls inside the tunnel.

I can get a reasonable2d track but only up to about halfway. What happens then is that all my tracking references go off the screen and I can’t offset as he is pretty much in the tunnel by then and I can’t get anything to track, it’s almost pitch black.

I’m trying to do a 3d solve but I don’t have much experience with this. I’m just trying to use the wall as a track (as when it tracks the guy the camera bounces up and down with his walking movements) but then I get pretty much the same problem with the darkness (although the start is much smoother). Is there any way to extend the camera move, like a predict track sort of thing?

Any tips on how to solve the camera better? I know this is kind of vague but any suggestions would be really good.

GenArts lens Flare mask problem look..

Hi all,
Has anyone had this problem with the GenArts Lens flare?
I can’t seem to get any other results when I add a B &W or alpha image over the Lens flare

please look…

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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