NukeX point cloud to 3D Max

Hey guys,

I think the title covers it. So is it possible?



Nuke and linear operations

I’ve been playing around a lot with a linear workflow in After Effects, and after reading a lot of articles, I see some people say that some operations isn’t ideal to work in linear blending. Keying and tracking for example. Is this correct, and if it is, how do you handle it in Nuke? I’ve never seen someone convert to Log or "Vid" space in Nuke before pulling a key.

color matching issue

I’ve got a 14 second animation to be comped in nuke, the last frame of witch has to butt up seamlessly with an animation rendered out of aftereffects. It’s a logo originating from ps.

The delivery is a quickime animation file (!). I have no control over the aftereffects render.

ideas of how to do this without error or color shift?

extra question. If I have an 8 bit rgb value, how do I accurately input that into a nuke constant node?


Exporting Nuke cameras?

Anyway to export Nuke’s cameras? Specifically, into Smoke?

Nuke newbie question

Hi, new to nuke, but been using AE for years. This is probalby one of those node based newbie questions, but here goes.

I have a track marker on an actor’s neck that needs to be removed.
My plan is to create one clean frame and track this over the offending track mark.

My workflow in After Effects would be to open up photoshop, clean the frame, save out to TIFF and track on.

I could do the same thing in NUKe, but I’m sure there is a better way to handle this in nuke.

Can I use rotopaint to clean up my frame, then create a node somehow to be just the area of the neck that I’ve cleaned up. I’m familiar with masking and mergeing in Nuke, just have no idea how I can grab, or capture the area in a clip for use as a still to be tracked back on.

I hope this was clear. Any tips, or pointers would be much appreciated.



cant seem to write (render out)

i am new to nuke…
i am trying to write out a sequence.
but it seems something is wrong and it wont render.

here is the details:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:/Program Files/Nuke6.0v2/plugins\nukescripts\", line 31, in render_panel
nuke.executeMultiple(_list, frame_ranges )
RuntimeError: Write1 cannot be executed for multiple frames.

can anyone tell me what’s wrong, am i missing out anything?

i would really appreciate your help.


Nuke/RED/Bash Project

Hey guys, I’m a student in intro to programming and for our final we get to come up with our own script and design it entirely. I’ve been working with some RED footage and decided it would be cool to create a workflow script in bash that will Read the R3D file, convert to ProRes (if it doesn’t crash), create a set of Project Folders, then move the footage to that set of folders. I know unlike Shake Nuke can’t be controlled directly by Bash so I’m going to have Bash call a TCL script to run the conversion. I’m working through it but if anyone has any tips/pointers/wisdom I would be more than appreciative. Thanks everyone.

Heat Haze

Hi guys, I’m doing a shot where some fighter jets are flying through a valley. This shot is from behind the fighters and I need to know a way that I can fake the heat haze that would be given off from the jet engines.

I have the 3d axis positioning of the engines if that’s any help for real depth etc.

Am I overthinking this or would a simple kind of blur effect work?



Reflections with distortion

Hey all–

Curious about how I might be able to pull off accurately distorted reflections on a surface like the astronaut’s helmet visor in these shots:

I’m wondering whether it’s some trickery done in 3D for the render, or of it was indeed done in Nuke afterwards. If it was composited, I’m assuming a fair amount of camera track was involved. But even after that, how do you think they got such an accurate distortion in the reflection?

Can’t wait to here from y’all! 😀

5 points tracking and cornerpin node

Hi Nukers

I remember that it is easy to do 5 points( or more) tracking in Fusion. I tried to do 5 points tracking and use cornerpin node to attachmovie in Nuke.I edit the cornerpin node but I can’t find how to change the red part. When I edit,I just can edit "from 4_1" to "from 5"; I don’t know how to change the "cornerpin 5points from 4_1" to"cornerpin 5points from 5".

How could I get my own 5 points cornerpin node to do my 5 points tracking and attachmovie? Need help!

Attached Thumbnails

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