Photoshop to Nuke – Premult issue


I’m having an issue where when i send a psd with an alpha channel to nuke, a white halo appears when i premult it.

Any ideas?


too many open files

Hi all,

I’m currently using nuke 5.1v6 for a project but its been crashing on me pretty often.
yet i can’t upgrade to a higher version as the renderfarm and plugins have been written for the 5.1v6

Sometimes when the file attempts to make a save, a popup prompts
too many file open, unable to save D://randomfilename.autosavet.nk
when i click ok it closes nuke
I’ve since disabled the autosave and force autosave.

I read somewhere that there was a bug fix from V4.7
We now configure open file limit to 1024 to prevent "too many open files"

Is there anyway i can do this configuration in some ini file myself?

I’ve already done alot of precomping and deleting nodes from the long+huge tree that aren’t useful but its still giving me this toomanyopenfiles problems.

Sky Replacment

Hi all
I’m new to nuke and i’m trying to replace the sky on some footage’s but something went wrong on my script when i attached the tracker to the transform nod for match-move ,
if anyone have any recommendations please advice,


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Nuke Mosaic script

Had some spare time today while waiting for renders so decided to make a Nuke mosaic script and panel… (a la the Mona Lisa one that someone posted a while ago)
The functionality ("build" function) is commented heavily…

Script link: …. Enjoy 🙂


Ocula iinstallation

Hi i installed ocula 2.0v2 and its not shown inside the nuke. What can i do now?

shadow and reflection recreation question

Ok, So i wanted to get everyones feed back on how they recreate shadows and reflections for people shot on a greenscreen and are running AWAY from the camera.

Since there feet or moving away in z space you cant just take their mattes, flip and skew them, and call it a day. I usually end up rotoing their legs individually and key framing each leg separately so they always have contact when the real foot hits the floor.

what do you guys do? there has to be a more accurate way then how I am doing it. Thanks in advance.

360° shot title compositing

hey guys

gotta be honest, so far I only used nuke to do greenscreen compositing and wire removals so far…

now I was asked to help out a on a mate’s short for the title sequence.
the sequence is a 360° shot of a living room made with a spider dolly. he wants to have the titles composited to stuff in the room, like the walls, furniture, etc.
I was thinking on doing that in nuke since it doesnt really work out in after effects because of the distortion from the wide angle lens. but now I kinda realized I have no idea how to do that in nuke, haha… so, anyone care for a lil start up help? would be greatly appreciated! 🙂


nuke interface sooo slow..!?

hey guys,

i´ve got a HP elitebook with
Intel Core 2 Quad-Core Q9000 4x 2.00GHz,
4 gig of Ram (memtest:OK),
Nvidia Quadro fx 2700 M,
fujitsu hardrive 7200r(test OK),

OS: Win7 64bit
nuke 6.x.x

so, these values are a lot better than my old desktop, but the nuke 6 interface is much worse than before!! it´s running soo slow that it´s no more fun. modifying bezier-handlepoints in the viewer, painting with rotopaint or sometimes even moving nodes in the script. nearly always there is a heavy delay. does´t matter if it´s 2k dpx, exr or Pal and the scipt is only 10 nodes large 🙁
the guys from HP are not really helpfull.

has anyone of you a comparable configuration of notebook that is running fine with nuke? or is there a known issue with one of these components?

thanks a lot…!!

TV Screen Effect Gizmo


I’ve been working on a CRT TV screen filter gizmo in my spare time for a while now. I just started a new show that will put it to the test and I wanted to throw it out there to get some ideas before I commit it to production.

I know that at one point every compositor has had to make this effect, and I know there are about a zillion ways to achieve it. So I’m looking for all the creative additions / methods / efficiency tweaks I can find… at very least maybe some of you will get use out of it, and maybe together we can make it much better.

I call it fizzle. Let me know your thoughts.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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ID:	9871

Attached Files
File Type: gizmo fizzle.gizmo (9.0 KB)

cmiVFx Releases AtomSplitter 1.2 (New Version) Free Download

cmiVFX Releases AtomSplitter 1.2® (New Version!)
This FREE desktop application allows you to convert nuke Camera.chan files into either Autodesk® FBX® or Autodesk® Flame® .action files with the simplest of controls. It was designed for Chris Maynard of cmiVFX based on the research for the NukeX tracking system. Justin Israel and George Nahkl sorted out the code in python then ported it into individual desktop applications for convenient use. This is a python based solution that will provide extensibility to those interested in expanding its features. cmiVFX supports the open source growth of this application and is willing to share its source code to participating members of this community. The Autodesk® FBX® plug-in allows all types of data to be packaged into one file format that can be used by most of today’s 3D authoring software.

Download the FREE AtomSplitter 1.2 at

There is over a hundred New Release Training Videos in the cmiVFX Pipeline for the next year which is worth thousands of dollars if purchased alone. Include that with the hundreds of training videos currently in the cmiLibrary and the subscription is near priceless.

ACT NOW! Gain access to Every New Release and the Entire cmiLibrary with the most affordable subscription plan in Visual FX Training History for only $399 USD. For more information on our subscriptions:…ns_And_Pricing

Follow us on twitter and receive special discount codes and special offers that are sent out only to our twitter fan base.

About cmiVFX
cmiVFX is a research and development firm mainly involved in training and the development of new software tools for the visual effects and computer graphics industry. Compiled from an ever growing number of individuals with like interests at heart, cmiVFX persists in its efforts for creating tools and training for artists, programmers and tributaries of the visual effects production pipeline employment system. Our customers are our developers. We produce tools and content that are needed when no other options are available. Our community is open to all, and we encourage all participants to enjoy all others fruits of labor with the ability to improve upon them and show the world how it was done.

Changes in Version 1.2
1) set the rotation order to ZXY for the camera to match nukes default
2) Fixed a bug where the proper values for FocalLength were not being keyed
3) Added scaling option

Operation Systems Supported:
Linux, OSX, Windows