PhotoShop CS5 habitually Crashing Nuke

anyone else running into Photoshop CS5 crashing nuke? I thinks it’s photoshop"s GPU crap. almost every time jumping back and forth between the two Nuke crashes, then fails to open till Photoshop is closed….:bomb:

Win764 Nvidia 285

Depth Generator and Camera Tracker in Nuke X


I am trying to create a depth matte based on footage and my understanding is that you use the camera tracker to track the footage, then solve the camera and create the scene.

Once you have done this you can then plug the camera you’ve just created and the footage into the source of the depth generator node.

When I try to do this the depth matte doesn’t come out correctly. It has a radial look to it that obviously doesn’t correspond to the depth of the scene.

I was wondering if anyone has successfully created a depth matte from a piece of footage and could impart some knowledge my way???


nuke 6 and old bezier node

hi guyz, i imported an old nuke 5 scene.
i found that old style bezier are imported with any problems….

but i cannot find any node that can let me create those bezier in nuke 6…even if i can do copy and paste…

after all i think old bezier where working quiet fine just to create mask, so i d like to use them if possible.

any advice about?

do u like new paint node to create bezier?


I just loaded nuke 6x and i cannot find the file. Am i missing something. I have a shortcut on my desktop to the .nuke folder.

There is no there…….

I want to add my custom gizmos to the menus

Is it possible to create a new one or should i reload nuke?

Many thanks


new to nuke help with vray comp

Hi all, I’m new to comping and started out with Fusion, but after seeing the vray tutorial by Hugo Guerra, I decided to move to Nuke.

So to my questions. I have sorted my comp exactly the same as the aforementioned tutorial. But now I’m having trouble actually editing it. With my diffusefilter being devided and then multiplyed to make my own raw light and GI passes, how can I colourcorrect the diffusefilter pass, where in the flow do I connect the colourcorrect node? I want to do the same with my reflectfilter pass.

Secondly, I have a multimatteelement pass within the .exr file. How do I separate this out to use as a mask? (is you don’t know, the multimatteelement is a pass from vray which colours objects full R, G or B depending on their object ID in 3dsmax)

I hope you can help me

remove chromatic aberration

hey hey!!
i’m looking for a good method or plugin/gizmo to remove chromatic aberration.
at the moment i have a massive keying-job, unfortunately all the footage has a lot of ca…

thanks & cheers

SynthEyes to Nuke

Hi,Nukers here.Anyone does camera tracking in SynthEyes?
I do supervised tracking in SynthEyes and export to Nuke.But in Nuke,I can’t see the point cloud in 3D scene.
Need help! (SynthEyes 2008 & Nuke 6.0v6)
the 2 pics: 1 is in SynthEyes,2 is in Nuke 3D.

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IBK keyer

just wanted to know if only a clean frame is required for ibk colour node or a sequences is required

have to supervise a chroma shoot at student level:)

Python help please

Hi all,
Is there a way to render out a sequence WITHOUT typing the following:
it’s so annoying to have to always type %01d.tga


Please help. 3D projection gone very wrong, have to rebuild for each shot!?? :(


Before I get into details, to summarize in 1 sentence: I created a 3D environment in Nuke, boujou tracked and completed the first shot, I now need to import a boujou camera for the 2nd shot needed the same environment but that camera I input requires a new ground plane, throwing my environment off. This is the first time I do a 3D projection in Nuke and need some help, please!


I have over 5 different shots which are in the same environment, so I tracked 1 shot in boujou, imported to nuke, and built my environment using 3D projections all in Nuke with 3D geometry, etc, it took 2 days just to build. The first shot is rendered and approved by the client and looks great!

I thought it would be a matter of replacing the back plate, importing the new camera, etc. I even gave my separate layers from my matte painting extra room so when the camera pans, etc, thinking it would all work.

However . . .

I then tracked the 2nd shot in boujou, imported the new plate and camera into Nuke, and something is wrong!!! I did not see this coming!

The new camera has a different z position, and the ground plane is at a different height. If I offset my ground plane I already set, I ruin my environment because everything will be thrown off, all the 3D rocks and other things I build laying on the ground plane, I cant do this, there must be a work around.

Is there a way that I dont have to realign the ground plane and everything? I have over 5 shots, and this is due very pronto! :rip:

I think if I can shift the boujou camera so its at the same position as the first frame as the camera when I first built the scene it should work? How can I offset the cameras position without affecting its keyframes if thats the fix. If that does fix it, what about the ground plane? I see that shot 2’s ground plane should be significantly higher than the shot 1 I built the scene on.

Please help!!!!!! Im really stuck at this point. Thanks.

Attached is a picture of the 2 different boujou cameras, the one in green represents this new one which is way too close as you see which requires a different ground plane position where the actors sit on, and the other one is from the last shot which is 100% good.

What is going on, and what do I do!!! Is it as bad as I think? If so I better go to work. Thanks.

Oh and by the way, this is the first time I’ve done 3D projections in Nuke, so sorry if I dont understand fully if it is a simple fix or Im overthinking something.


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