Pattern Match % Output


I am looking for a way to output a text file of the % of accuracy of a pattern match.

I am hoping to create a database of every frame matched against every frame.

Perhaps, if not in Nuke, someone knows of another tool that might do the trick.

Thank you for your consideration.

doubt in nuke? help?


Here is a video from Image Engine’s IBC demo from FX Guide

Actually i am a fusion user but now eager to switch to nuke..
In this demo video from Mr.Shervin Shoghian show the compositing using nuke from District 9 film.…eature=related

note: Duration 6:45

the complete 3d model is there in nuke 3d work space.. am confused with it.. does this is a .fbx object or what it is..
and how its working when come to an animation?

anybody clear this please..


single image editing

hello everyone
just yesterday i started using Nuke with purpose of editing single 3dsmax renders. i chose Nuke since there are many vray channels inside oF EXR image so i impressed how easy Nuke manage them.

could i ask here how to make rain here on image below? so i go on

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled-1.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	51.1 KB
ID:	10051

Pyhton ques 02

how can i make a dropdown menu button in python which list all the folders in a particular directory.

Pyhton ques

How can i extract just the file path from my write none
mypath is=F:/del/trst_#####.jpg
what commnad do i used just to get the F:/del
minus the file name..

print c

this gives me F:/del/trst_#####.jpg

How to load a python script everytime I launch Nuke

I found that "Zoomer" script in this forum, but I can’t seem to get it to work.

Nuke tells me certain variables are not defined.

If I load the script into the script editor in nuke, and execute it, it works great.

How do I make it so that it will be loaded by default.

Thank for the help,


Node instancing and other issues

Hi Everyone! I’m a new user of Nuke, so I’ve come across a few problems

1. There is a very strange thing about CC node. I set up this node to get the colors that I like, and move on with working on the script. After some time, this node starts to produce different colors then setuped before, and I have to change only one value( ie. saturation) by 0.001, to get the colors back. It sounds totally crazy, maybe someone knows what I mean.

2. I imported some simple geometry and camera, to render B/W masks. But AA guality is very poor, even if I set High AA quality in scanline renderer. Any way to increase AA in scanline renderer ?

3. What would be a way to make node instance ? I mean, few Grade nodes, but to controll only one, and settings would affect all of them. I suppose expressions could handle this, anyone has a example for this ?

4. Is there any database or user community that shares Python scripts for Nuke ? I’m not familiar with scripting yet, but I already would use it a couple times. A great example is ScriptSpot for 3ds users – tons of great free scripts.

Thanks for help folks!


Wire Removal Help?


can u suggestion wire removal tutorials & video Footage


Framecycler and exr viewing?


I am wondering what is the proper setting of Framecycler for viewing EXRs? The exr sequence I rendered out of Nuke looked correct/normal in the Nuke viewer, but significantly darker when Alt-F viewed in Framecycler.

I tried to play with the Look-Up table setting of the Framecycler, but none of the setting gives me a proper standard sRGB LUT for the exr sequence.


Red footage help

I am still having trouble figuring out a colorspace for this red footage. Attached is the info I get from the read node which is reading .r3d files.

I have tried exporting the the .r3d files as exrs 16 bit and 32 bit. Still no combination of the file’s colorspace and workspace profile gives me good results.

Any help is appreciated

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	red_foot.jpg
Views:	N/A
Size:	74.0 KB
ID:	10043