Genarts and alpha channels

Does anybody know how to make any genarts plugin not fill the alpha channel completely white? Make it keep the alpha channel that is already there untouched. In shake this was not a problem.

Thanks for the help!

Multiple Curve Tools

Does anyone know a way to link curvetools? I need to be able to set off 9 curve tools at once…does anyone know a way to press one button and set them all off at once? Thanks!

Extended Clean Plates Projection ?


I’m removing some unwanted stuffs on floor.. shot is like camera dolly in shot..

frame 1 i ve made clean plate & projected. and frame 50 i ve made cp and projected… i got black edge.. so i extend my cp. it’s bigger than my plate size..
my extended cp. not matching with original plates. of-course it wont match… i i ve to reposition my ext. plates.. but How to do that… if i use Transform or crop disable in Project3D and not working out.. as i want… how do u guys handle this situation …
extended clean plates Projection on original plate ?


python..seting inputs

i am trying to create 2 camera ,whch come with them beig attached to their scanline renders..
but this isnt working..
what am i doing wrong here….



Noob Matte question

Ive made a garbage matte for a figure in my scene, the matte is about 2 or 3 pixels too fat around the entire figure. Is there a way to eat away at the matte to get rid of that 2-3 pixels kind of like how "shrink selection" works in a lot of applications?

Comping techniques for background ?


I have a shot where there is a person facing camera. Its a medium shot. Behind the person are bars and behind the bars is the green-screen. I’m replacing the green-screen with a camera projection of a fancy hallway with chandeliers etc. The depth of field is pretty shallow so the background will be out of focus. Heres a pic I found that illustrates the general idea.

The background is going to be very moody so I’m looking for some techniques to sweeten the shot. For example, should the illuminated chandeliers have some glow to them that wraps around the foreground figures? Should there be some camera flare? How would this be achieved on what is essentially a tracked in still image?

Im fairly new to nuke and compositing so any ideas and a quick approach to achieving them would be super helpful.


Python qu again…..

hey guys,,
how do i link via expression the translate values to two different cameras..
i am able to do it directly by copying the link on x translate and then pasting it on the x of the other camera.then say ….edit expression

but i want to write the python code for it…
whats to be the syntax for it…

now i want to link them via expression ..(multiply the value of cam2 by it moves in the reverse x direction to cam1.)


timeline question

HI, Ok,..I know it’s a real stupid question but…
For some reason, today only, I ran into a problem between Mocha V2 & Nuke.
I think nuke starts on 0 and Mocha starts on 1.

So my question is, how do you set Nuke’s timeline to read frames at 1?


NRF , RAW and nuke

Hi every one ! i use nuke not so long time but i realy like this tool. And this is my question – nuke can´t support a NEF format , exist plugin for read this format?


Nuke 6 Rotopaint Question!!!

Hey there everyone!

I am knew to Nuke (I’ve used Shake before, but I’m trying to make the transition). All of the tutorials I’ve found are for Nuke 5.

I’m trying to create a roto-shape in Nuke 6.0v1, (I guess what used to be the Bezier tool is now roto-paint?) and I’m not sure how to start my shape. I think in Nuke 5 it was Command + Alt + Click or something like that, but any combination I’m trying doesn’t seem to work.

PLEASE HELP! :confused::confused::confused:
