Nuke – Camera Tracker Problem

Hi , I have a very long hand held camera shot. I am new to tracking in Nuke. When I try to track the shot it says " Insufficient cameras to solve, at least two cameras required ". Can someone help me to figure out what the problem is and how to get a good track for the shot

here is the video

how to do nested precomp ?

Hi, i got problem when trying to make nested precomp. I create a precomp (precomp_1) then do second level of precomp from that precomp_1 (become precomp_2). So the precomp_1 is simply inside the precomp_2. This way i got blank output from the second precomp. I did render out each precomp and read the render file which got no luck at all. Can anyone help ? single precomp always work fine, but when trying to do nested precomp , i got black.


doing lo res pre-lim renders in Nuke

does any one have insight into how to do lo-res renders in Nuke?

I’d like to render a Half-sized or smaller vers. of my composite to test before my final Big render.

-lowering the quality of the render doesn’t work
-reformating the composite to a smaller size doesn’t seem to work either

any help would be highly appreciated.

Log VS linear

Hallo everyone 🙂
I am working with originally LOG footage which is converted to linear.
Usually (99%) of the time i am working in linear color space in Nuke,
But some operation, as dissolve for example are working different in log space
(and many others off course – cc,erode, blur,screen etc…)
So i wonder which operations i can perform in log and jump back to linear and what will be an advantage of this.

P.S. I do understand basic difference between spaces, and why LOG is behaving different in linear Nuke, i am interested in cases when it is better than just lin. 😉

Can’t put a light inside a sphere

Is there a way you can put a light inside a sphere and have it light up the inside of it? It seems that only directional lighting works in spheres. I guess the only reason you would want to use a sphere for a background is if you were doing a sky projection in which case you would be using directional lighting. Nevertheless, I tried to use one for an indoor setup but it would appear that both point and spot lights have to be outside the sphere in order for either side of it to light up.

Sorry if this is a stupid question. I’ve done a few things in Nuke’s 3D system out of necessity, but this is the first time I’ve tried testing it thoroughly

set keyframes on an expression linked knob

Hello nukerz,

Sounds dead simple but can’t manage to make keyframes work on an expression linked knob.
Just made a quick example to shows what i mean.
If i move my "2d position knob", set keys on the expressionned knob "blackpoint" after moving it. It doesn’t works.
Of course i can animate my "2d position knob" but that doesn’t fit my needs.

Is anybody has an hint about this ?


set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 6.2 v2
Group {
 inputs 0
 name Group1
 selected true
 xpos 5199
 ypos 380
 addUserKnob {20 User}
 addUserKnob {12 focus}
 addUserKnob {41 blackpoint T Grade1.blackpoint}
 CheckerBoard2 {
  inputs 0
  name CheckerBoard2
  xpos 479
  ypos 315
 Grade {
  channels rgba
  blackpoint {{"\[sample this red focus.x focus.y]"}}
  name Grade1
  selected true
  xpos 479
  ypos 377
 Output {
  name Output1
  xpos 479
  ypos 415

Geometry Import Issue

I don’t know if my issue stem from Maya or Nuke but when I import geometry from Maya via a .obj file, the model has undergone weird changes in the process. I’m attaching a screen shot to show the differences. Am I not modeling this correctly in Maya or are my settings in Nuke incorrect?

It’s connecting the top of the model in a very strange way? I’ve posted 2 screen shot from Nuke. One with the poly’s showing and the other without to see the anomaly (it’s the white triangular area) more clearly. Can Nuke actually edit the geometry?

Thank you so much for any help.

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-06-23 at 2.11.33 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	90.6 KB
ID:	11879

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-06-23 at 2.12.31 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	90.1 KB
ID:	11880

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-06-23 at 2.12.39 PM.png
Views:	N/A
Size:	196.1 KB
ID:	11881

help with new rotopaint

Somebody can help me with rotopaint masks?

How can I do for subtract a mask from another inside one node of rotopaint?

( I’m thinking in the some way of mask of aftereffects)


Can’t render out alpha in simple video file

I have a read node in Nuke with a .mov file which definitely has an alpha channel (an explosion).

The simple question is how do I export this from Nuke while maintaining the alpha channel?

I want to do this directly, in other words I have nothing else plugged into it, just want to render it out with alpha as a test.

It’s to then be opened in FCP, and I’m using Apple ProRes 4444 which is supposed to support alpha channels. I have tried PNG too which is the format the clip is originally in and that hasn’t been a success either. In FCP I make sure to change clip to ‘straight alpha’ in ‘item properties>format’.

^Despite this, I have no alpha channel after the render from Nuke.

I’ve tried many different settings of ‘premultiplied’/’auto alpha’ etc. and I get no joy.

I know/think it’s going to be something simple, but I just can’t see it!

If this test works, then I am hoping to key some footage with Primatte and export the footage with alpha for compositing in FCP, so this was meant to be a ‘simple’ test. Is it possible to do that – remove green screen and export the footage with alpha channel for direct overlaying in FCP?

Thanks for any help.


Hi all, can anyone pls tell me about LUT (look up table).:confused: