Require Help – card3d in nuke

Need to patch a required area in a shot using card3d in Nuke 6.1.

I have a 3d camera generated from 3d tracker in nuke 6.1.
clean plate,3d camera & created axis from required track point for cleanplate position. All connected to card3d, when i compare the out of card3d and the main plate, i find lot of distortion & alignment problems, when i use project3d it works fine. Any solution will be helpful.

Python ques

ok..i have done this before but now cant figure it out


for n in nuke.allNodes :

i dnt knw what am i doing wrong with is python code,it cud be something very simple but i just cant get it..
this keep giving me error


SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing


NUKE to RV Playback

I was able to setup RV player and get it to open very easily. The DPX’s that I am creating out of Nuke are unable to play in RV as an automatic SEQ, I can frame by frame
them but play functionality does not work with the DPX sequences I am creating. I am not experiencing this with the Vendors DPX’s. Have anybody ever heard of this happening? Are there settings in the write node that would prevent a seq to not play.


assigning expression to nodes with python

Hi all.

I’m working on a shot setup/update script that essentially creates a noOp node with some knobs, including a maya render dir path, version, first frame, last frame, frame offset etc.
I got it all pretty much working, but the last thing I need to do is to hook all the selected read nodes to the noOp node via expressions controlling their filename (base path), first frame, last frame and frame offset.


def setup()
  sn = nuke.selectedNodes()
  rn = nuke.selectedNodes('Read')
  first = 1
  last = XXX
  offset = XXX
  for n in sn:
    n.knob("selected").setValue(False)    #deselect all nodes so the noOp gets created as a standalone node, not connected to anything

  sourceNode = nuke.createNode("NoOp", "name asdf", inpanel = True)
  #and then add knobs and assign values from input
#I have all my variables and the noOp node gets created with its knobs and values.
#All I need is to do THIS (badly described with pseudo code:

for n in rn:           
    n['frame_mode'].setValue(2)  #This sets Read node's frame mode to 'Offset'
    n['frame'].setValue(offset)  #This assigns the value from user input

Closing groups within a tab

Hi guys, I have another problem with groups within Tabs created in Python. I can create a group with no problem with


knob = nuke.Tab_Knob("test", "Test", True)

as I explained in…on-t26900.html.

The problem is that I cannot close the group. That is, if I add more knobs after that call, all of them are created inside the group *which is good) but I cannot stop it! I mean, I cannot create anything outside the group from now on. I’ve been trying with nuke.EndTagGroup_Knob() and things like this with no luck.

Does anybody know how I could do this?
Many thanks!

File in

Is there a way you can read in multiple files in the same way that shake does it (with pressing space bar)?
I know you can drag and drop, but that seems to give me the wrong filepath from our server.
Now I when i have to read in 10 files from different folders, I have to read in every file separately and it’s just a bit annoying really.


about the nk~ files

Hi, I would like to know how to get rid of these files. I know they are autosaves but I fins annoying to having them with my files. Is there any way to put them on a folder inside the project’s one??


How to open Nuke (windows) without he command window?

Hi, I would like to know if there is any command line switch to open Nuke on windows without the command window.


Multiline before_render in Write

Is there a way to attach a py function to a Write node and execute it in before_render? Thanks to Py’s significant whitespace I cannot cram all I need into the single line provided. I would love the function contained within the gizmo wherein the write node resides.

Nuke x6.1 Camera tracker Mask not workig


I just tried to camera tracker node in nuke x 6.1 .. mask .. input not working… does any body else faced this problem…
