Scanline 3D render glitches?

Does anyone have a work around or perhaps know how to avoid render glitches from Nukes scanline?

I have a Nuke scene with a number of Nuke 3D / Geometry / Cubes, which have all been scaled to be be the shape / depth of a photo frame. Each ‘cube’ has a texture applied and a camera has been animated to move through them. I also have a number of lights in the scene.

When I render the scene via the scanline renderer I can see many texture glitches, i.e. it looks like the texture pops either at the top or the side of the cube.

I’ve tried anti-aliasing / no effect and upping the multisampling simply softens the glicth, but it’s still visible.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Nuke Red One RedColor Workflow

Can anyone explain the correct colorspace/gamma workflow for r3d files shot using redcolor (the redOne firmware build 30 colorspace) in Nuke.
Redcolor does not appear in the r3d read node in either "colorspace" or "decode colorspace" dropdown options?
The output is for HD TV.

Thank you

ANOTHER – RED SHOTS Workflow Question ?

after i read and find the best or better workflow with RED shots/materials.
so im going to ask you, is it the correct way to do the RED shots with make it LINIER colorspace in the "read" knobe and then output / "Write" knob as a sRGB colorspace for Broadcast or cineon colorspace for Film output ?

cheers – regards


Attached Images
File Type: bmp ScreenShot006.bmp (281.3 KB)

WHY DD, Weta didn’t invest Flame ???

hi guys ,

lets break for a while and please respons my thread here, coz im in so deep curiosity.

after, i break with my 10th cup of coffee this morning , i realized and it crossed in my mind–-WHY WETA, DD etc NEVER or DIDNT INVEST FLAME or INFERNO to their Vfx system ?? or am i wrong ?

Anyone here know the reason is ? i believe there is must be the reason behind this ??

Im just in Curiosity. That’s all. and Im waiting for my rendering process.

cheers and GBU=God bless you


NukeControl – iPad App for controlling Nuke

Hey all,

At IBC this weekend I gave a tech preview demo of my first attempt at a native (non-VNC solution), iPad App for controlling J_3Way in Nuke.
(a big thanks to Jerry Huxtable for getting me started with the bonjour networking basics and to Jack Binks for making J_3Way!)

Video link (sorry the video is so wobbly!):

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this project… what things you think the iPad controller could be useful for, and also any ideas for the sorts of touch gestures that would be suitable for colour grading.
(I’m currently just simulating the 360 degree rolling of a ball for the lift / gamma / gain controls)

When I’ve got the App more polished, if you’d like to be a tester, please drop me a line with your iPad’s UDID so I can send you the App to play with. Instructions on getting your iPad’s UDID:


Text Blur, Like AE or Fusion?.

Hi to everyone. I have this little problem. Nuke had a Text Blur option?, like in After Effects or Fusion?.


how to grab pixel aspect using python

Hi , i’m making a gizmo, let’s name it a dummy node doing simple task. so when this node is connect to a tree , its label will simply display current pixel aspect ratio of its input stream. Does anyone know how to grab the pixel aspect from abritrary node? if it’s constant/checkerboard/read/etc , i can just easily grab it using .knob(‘format’). But what if let say the tree is like this :
constant1 –> blur1 –> transform1 –> dummy. So my dummy is placed below the transform node. Yes, if i want i can get it using .input(0).input(0)…..knob(‘format’) without problem. But this approach is not dynamic, if i insert something between constant1 and transform1 then the code will break. Try to search dir() but still got nothing about it. Anyone can help? or any other idea?


how can i edit “Openexr” files rendered out from 3ds max to edit in Nuke ?

hello everybody

i have rendered my scene via vray and saved my passes in "openExr" one file .. (using 3ds max)
how can i edit the passes separately in Nuke ? (each pass to be edited indivedualy .. diffuse , shadow , speculer .. etc)

thanks in advance

Invisible curves?

I got an issue with Nuke (6.0v3) on my Mac that I can’t figure out. In nodes like the ColorLookup and HueCorrect the actual curves are invisible. When I open the nodes properties up I can see the curves, but as soon as I click on them or try to change them they disappear and I can only see the handles for the points. They become invisible like this until I close the properties for the node and open it up again. I can still work with it but it’s really starting to annoy me because I have to guess what my curve looks like while I modify it. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

Adding Hotkeys using control+command+shift

What is the syntax to use the cntrl and/or command and/or shift keys with hotkeys.?
