Pierre Dal Corso photography

Gorgeous photography from Pierre Dal Corso

Mr Blanc

Mr Blanc has interviews and pics from the mind of photographer Cory White


Marque is a branding consultancy with a contemporary view of the world who work collectively across studios


The 12 visuals for the SHIFT 2011 CALENDAR are selected

Walls are dancing

Walls are dancing by artist MWM

Vellas Laga

Ex lobo, now a duo of Vellas & Laga doing animation work.

Benjamin Ducroz

A kaleidoscope of colour and movement in stop motion and computer graphics from Benjamin Ducroz

Julia Trotti

Eighteen year old photographer from Oz. Julia Trotti

Ant shoe illustration

Ant is an Australian illustrator living in Tokyo. Taking orders for custom Converse shoe design


Pekka illustration agency from finland