Singalong Paul

Puppet lip-synchs Radiohead in AdamBiz new project.

Kijek Adamski Build A City With 1 km of Yarn

Simplicity, restraint, symbolism and practical approaches are all present in some of my favorite work this year. This latest stop-motion piece from Polish directing-duo Katarzyna Kijek & Przemysław Adamski for the Tomasz Stańko Quintet is a textbook example of implying an expansive environment and abstract narrative with the simplest tools and restrictions.

Using noting more than 1 km of yarn, a few flashlights and a lamp; Kijek and Adamski create an experience more consuming than any drive-by, city night-shoot could produce. This piece is but another reminder that limitations (technical or monetary) should not restrict creativity and that solutions outside of the computer can still serve as viable ones.

Brain-power still has a pretty good shot against render-power.

(via Promo News)

Posted on Motionographer


Seamlessly blending Magritte and Mad Max

Crash Karma – Fight

Yurie Rocha and Joel Tellier bring soviet propaganda to life in Fight.


And the mystery continues … who exactly is this group iamwhoiam? Whatever the case, I found their latest video titled intriguing and well, mysterious ; ) Happy hunting.


A blast from the past, the animated short Moodbot by Rob Shaw for Zune Arts. Now available in Full HD.

Yowser Yowser Yowser

Like his namelike metal fetishist, Tetsuo wakes up to discover that his body and his world are undergoing creepy and irreversible transformations in the music video for Yowser Yowser Yowser, directed by Alex de Campi.

Gently Gently

In the music video for Gently Gently, a story unfolds into a snow globe in a haunting way that reminds me of some classic ghost story. Directed by Salazar for Christopher Smith.

Verbal Headlock

Part creepshow, part Ikea style piano lesson, is the music video for Verbal Headlock directed by Christian Borstlap. Music by Clutchy Hopkins.

SHIHAD ~ Sleepeater

This is great, a new interactive music video for band Shihad’s single Sleepeater. Hundreds of portraits shot with the Phantom. (via Videos.Antville)