David O’Reilly: Please Say Something

If you keep tabs on our Quickies, you saw fans of David O’Reilly’s “Please Say Something” pleading with us for a more detailed look at his amazing short film.


Motionographer community, you’re right. It’s a brilliant piece of art, and we’re glad to hoist it up and interview the man himself.

Unlike Octocat (O’Reilly’s output under a teenage pseudonym), Please Say Something is a sinister story of love. Characters shuffle between states of consciousness, explore O’Reilly’s common theme of absent love, and live in a crudely rendered world that feels simultaneously empty and lush.

Doing what other people don’t is how O’Reilly rolls. Narrative risk-taking, boldness in aesthetic simplification, and self-imposed creative rules lead to epic creation. PSS is strange, insanely original, and some of the most authentic storytelling you’ll ever see.

Read our interview with David O’Reilly here.

Posted on Motionographer

David O’Reilly: Please Say Something