All Is Not Lost

Gli Ok Go ci hanno ormai abituato a grandi trovate creative per i loro video: dall’ormai celeberrimo balletto sui tapis roulant, alla mimesi con la tappezzeria, ai circuiti atomatizzati tipo effetto domino, sono sempre stati molto astuti nel suscitare curiosità e far nascere il passaparola tra gli utenti. […]

Leviathan Studio

Approfittiamo dell’uscita del loro ultimo lavoro per presentarvi Leviathan, una casa di produzione di chicago nata nel 2010 e specializzata nella creazione di esperienze visive su larga scala su tutti i mezzi. Leviathan è composta da designers, registi e programmatori […]

Project Shiphunt

Oceans of Treasure; hunt the seas for $1,000,000 and more, in a first-of-its-kind Facebook game from Sony and Intel.

Firstborn: Studio Reel 2011

New York City based Firstborn, one of the forerunners in developing leading edge interactive content, and as you can see in their latest Studio Reel for 2011, this also includes design, CG, animation and motion graphics. Firstborn was (ahem) born, in 1997 and I still remember having my mind blown apart by the quality […]

Hellohikimori: Universeries

Paris based Hellohikimori, leading the way in design, 3D and interactive content, recently launched; The Brief: Create the new online reference providing unmatchable information about TV Shows creators. Universeries presents more than 140 profiles of series creators and covers more than 1000 TV shows from the 40’s to the latest productions, from Alfred Hitchcock […]

RITCHI-AREAL: Augmented reality installation

Se l’augmented reality e l’inflazionatissimo Qr-code stanno ormai entrando nella nostra realtà quotidiana, stratificandosi su qualsiasi superficie (dal manifesto, al giornale, al flacone di shampoo), è anche vero che pochi ne sanno sfruttare a pieno le potenzialità. Molto spesso ci si dimentica che l’innovazione dei sistemi delle realtà aumentate stanno appunto nell’implementare la realtà tangibile, integrandola, potenziandola, ma non estraniandosi del tutto da essa.

Mirada: 3 Dreams of Black Interview

Motionographer recently posted 3 Dreams of Black, the Chris Milk music video intended for exclusive viewing on a browser. When it’s running, the animation progresses so fluidly that you forget it’s built entirely in WebGL and rendering on the fly. It’s in the computer… or, perhaps more accurately, in your graphics card (which doesn’t sound quite as dramatic).

I had the chance to speak with some of the folks over at Mirada about the process of making 3 Dreams of Black, interactivity’s increasing influence in the motion design field, and the future of Mirada. Check out the interview and some lovely production art here.

Posted on Motionographer


GMUNK has never disappointed — going back to like 2000, he always came out with something better than the previous and damn if he isn’t one of the funniest — “MUNKSTERBATE strokn’ it with purpose” –:
via Cpluv
*** I had to categorize this under animation, architecture, art, CG, design, directing, interactive, motion, vfx

This is Pacific: Le~Joy

Portugal based This is Pacifica, an independent graphic design studio, launched Le~Joy; the showcase of Photographer and Art Director João Sousa.

New feature: ~ A Chrome Experiment