John Lasseter’s CalArts Commencement Speech

It’s that time of year again. Wide-eyed kids march into the workforce, hungry to take a bite of the industry pie. The day is graduation day. Graduates from all around, boldly wielding their Wacom tablets and unsoiled dreams, make the long-awaited transition from student to professional. We’ve all been there. Even John Lasseter. Here’s his two-cents on what you need to not only prosper, but stay inspired.

Listen and learn.

Jeff Le Bars: Carn

Director/animator Jeff Le Bars has an impeccable eye for composition and color, as his Emile Cohl 2012 graduation film “Carn” proves.

But the real magic of “Carn” is its story — an aspect of filmmaking most young directors struggle with. Built on a simple, fable-like structure, “Carn” ticks along with satisfying, grim precision until its fateful conclusion. The pacing, like the layout, is spare and artful, brimming with tension achieved through subtraction, not addition.

The music and sound design from Spectral Approche beautifully underscore the film’s emotional power.

Hat tip to Ash Thorp.

Posted on Motionographer