Latest from Lindsay Daniels


With a clean and neatly organized body of sophisticated work, Lindsay Daniels launches her self-titled web presence. Her work speaks for itself along with the thoughtfully written treatments that accompany many of her boards and designs. The fact that she offers these treatments openly on her site not only helps the reader delve further into the storyline behind the visuals but also shows a welcome confidence behind the ideas.

As a former creative director at Favorite Color and one of those fortunate few to win an Emmy from her time at Digital Kitchen (for Dexter main titles), Lindsay is well positioned to take her next step into freelance.

From her contact section you can see that Lindsay is bi-coastal working in both Seattle and New York City.

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Latest from Lindsay Daniels

Made for Each Other

As part of Frito Lay’s “Made for Each Other” campaign, two Motionographer favorites have created two decidedly adorable mini-shorts about finding true love. Although they’re radically different in style, both spots pack a tidy narrative into their confines.

First up is “Two Hears Are Better Than One,” created by Nexus Productions’ Tom & Mark with illustrator Adrian Johnson.

Next up is the 3D complement to the first spot. “Love & Sockets” has Blacklist’s David Lobser written all over it, from the outlandish characters to the expansive sets.

Both spots drive viewers to the Made for Each Other website, which is chock full of cute character design.

2 Heart Are Better Than One (Magnets)
Production Company (animation): Nexus Productions
Director: Tom & Mark with Adrian Johnson
Executive Producers: Chris O’Reilly & Charlotte Bavasso
Head of Production: Julia Parfitt
Producer: Luke Youngman
Production Assistant: Denise Abraham
Key Animator: Valentina Ventimiglia
Compositor: Luke Carpenter

Love & Sockets (Light bulb)
Production Company (animation): Blacklist
Director: David Lobser
Animation Company: Little Sister
Animation: Peter Richardson, Ian Brauner
Rigging: Gwen Murray, Yaron Canetti
Modeling: David Avetisov
Matte Painter: Kristian Merc
Executive Producer: Adina Sales & Aaron Kisner

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Made for Each Other

Buck’s Cure for Boiron


Buck’s new spot for flu remedy Oscillococcinum (try saying that with the flu), yet again showcases their mastery of style and catering technical ability. Beautifully crafted environments and character design gush painterly details and blur the line between CG and hand-rendered nicely.

Also worth a gander is their, impressive as usual, R&D and accompanying print artwork for the campaign.

Client: Boiron

Agency: Tierney
Executive Creative Director: Patrick Hardy
Creative Director: Mark Cacciatore
Art Director: Andy Benson
Print Producer: Wylie Moran
Agency Executive Producer: Peg Finucan
Account Executive: Michael Bray
Account Manager: Erin Kuhls

Production Company: Buck
Creative Director: Orion Tait
Head of Production: Kate Treacy
Associate Creative Director: Thomas Schmid
Art Director: Ben Langsfeld
Animation Director: Jordan Blit
Technical Director: Joshua Harvey
Lead Compositor: Gareth O’Brien
Compositor: Sohee Sohn
Compositor: John Cannon
Compositor: Matt Hanson
Compositor: Conrad Ostwald
3D Generalist: Nick Johnnides
3D Modeler: Paul Liaw
3D Generalist Intern: Chris Phillips
Rigger: Lee Wolland
Animator: Pete McDonald
Animator: Chris West
Roto Artist: David Marte
Matte Painters: Damien Correll
Producer: Brian Friel
Associate Producer: Kitty Dillard
Production Coordinator: Kevin Hall

Music and Sound Design: Q Department
Mix: Mixed at Color by Josh Abbey

Posted on Motionographer

Buck’s Cure for Boiron

Last Parish: The Portfolio of Dade Orgeron

We posted Last Parish a week ago as a quickie and after some debate (there has been a LOT of quickie to full debates as of late) we have decided that Dade should have been featured all along.


Dade started out as a designer with a knack for 3d in a time when knowing both trades was pretty rare. After joining Digital Kitchen, Dade quickly moved up the ranks because of his ability to lead his own projects and before he knew it his business card read CG/VFX Director. Currently, Dade is working for Superfad in Seattle directing projects and working as a Digital Cinematographer. I asked Dade to clarify his role of Digital DP since I had never come across that title, and this is what he had to say:

I realized that many times when I was working with other creative directors and directors, I would be asked to “man” the camera and of course set up the lights in our CG scenes. I didn’t see much of a difference from what I was doing virtually, and what many of the live action DP’s were doing on the spots we’d shoot. Digital
cinematographer was just a way for me to let people know my involvement and
that I took that responsibility quite seriously.

Now that Dade is a director doesn’t mean that he stays away from production work, in fact it seems quite the opposite. On any given project, Dade will not only direct, but he will also design, texture, model, sim, animate cameras, light, render and composite. Pretty impressive list of daily chores for any single person to handle, and yet he seems to manage it all pretty well. Although he did tell me that “I still find myself in my home studio staring at wireframes till 1am”.

I think what impresses me most about people like Dade is that although he has been in the industry long enough to sit back and take it easy, he still has the passion that drives him to remain hands on and put the long hours needed to make his projects feel complete.

Posted on Motionographer

Last Parish: The Portfolio of Dade Orgeron

Nexus for Friendly Fires

Nexus Productions did a new music vid for Friendly Fires. Everything was done in-camera with thousands of bean-bag balls and some leaf blowers

Sean Pecknold – Fleet Foxes ‘Mykonos’

Remember White Winter Hymnal? Sean Pecknold’s debut Fleet Foxes video with the killer hand-crank star trails shot?

Pecknold (aka Grandchildren) just completed a beautiful new video for the Fleet Foxes track ‘Mykonos‘. The two-triangled hero and his shape-shifting antagonist strike a nice visual balance between abstract imagery and recognizable characters.

The first time watching what caught my eye was the elegant polygonal shapes (jellyfish, birds, castles, rolling water). On repeated viewings it was the story-related details that kept me coming back – the moments where the triangles switch between walking and flying, the man in the castle sending spindly patrolling legs into the forest, the triangle offing the guard and his subsequent tumbling sequence/final battle (or at least that’s what I got out of it).

The video was completed in four weeks using glass plane animation technique, with only two days for post. Check out the behind the scenes for some down and dirty making-of action.

Fleet Foxes – Mykonos
Director/Animator – Sean Pecknold
Artist/Illustrator – Jesse Brown (
Animation Assistant – Toby Liebowitz (
Animation Assistant – Chris Ando (
Art Director – Sean Pecknold
Produced by Grandchildren
Labels – Bella Union & Sub Pop
Special thanks – Ryan Rothermel, Matt Daniels, Miles Tillman, Thad Scott, Mike Ragen, That Go, Britta Johnson, Aja, Greg, Lisa, Smokey, Robin, Christian, Josh, Casey, Liz, Olivia, Joy, and Skye

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Sean Pecknold – Fleet Foxes ‘Mykonos’

Largo al Factotum a la Dougal Wilson

Sky Arts and the English National Opera recently launched Sky Arts Opera Shorts, a unique collaboration with leading figures from the visual arts. This particular film by Dougal Wilson is a rendition of Largo al Factotum (here at your service to do or die) from The Barber Of Seville with a dash of stop-motion hair monster. This genre seems a perfect match for Dougal’s vaudevillian sense of theatrics and mastery of quirk.

Dougal says, “I’ve always wanted to try making a music video for a piece of classical music. Classical and opera music don’t have the same structure that most pop songs have – it’s usually more of a story, with twists and turns, and changing tempo. It invites an idea which is like a story, but also has to work with sound, which I thought would be really fun to try.”

In addition to Dougal, Werneg Herzog and Sam Taylor-Wood have also contributed pieces for this project.

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Largo al Factotum a la Dougal Wilson

Karni & Saul: Float

A few weeks ago, Flynn Productions directorial duo Karni & Saul completed this music video for Flogging Molly’s latest single Float. The video follows a tired and frail stick character as he takes us on an epic journey from city to sea, building himself along the way.

The ambitious scope of this epic saga is made accessible through its simple character’s ability to evoke pathos. Karni, with a background in fashion photography, and Saul with his feet in the world of 3D animation have once again sensibly married their two worlds to bring this piece to life.

Artist: Flogging Molly
Production Company: Flynn Producions
Commissioner: Thomas Dreux, Side One Dummy Records
Directors: Karni & Saul
Producer: Natalie Bayle
Animators: Karni &; Saul, Kostas Koutsoliotas, Stave Brown
Designers: Karni & Saul
Post Production: Flynn Post

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Karni & Saul: Float

Street Fighter IV intro


So we posted the teaser and trailer for the new Street Fighter game, and now here in the same fashion is the intro animation that runs at the beginning of the game.

Nothing new as far as the last two trailers were concerned: the style is the same, they’ve just made this one longer and a bit more epic. The painterly ink effects and grit work really well with the textures. It’s the epitome of eye-candy.

Still would love more info, but we now know that Studio4ºC and Polygon Pictures are responsible for this.

Thanks Scott

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Street Fighter IV intro

Motion Theory : NFL

Motion Theory : NFL

So Super Bowl XLIII has come and gone. That doesn’t mean we should overlook one of the few commercials that premiered during the big game that actually had something to do with football.

Motion Theory’s ‘Run’ takes viewers on a journey through the “other” season of NFL running back Darren McFadden. It follows him through the combine, the draft, training camp, practice, and then the opening game of the season. Directed by Mathew Cullen, who has an impeccable eye for detail, the spot is chock full of layers that build around the NFL star. Cullen and the Motion Theory team, led by Senior Art Director Kaan Atilla and VFX supervisor Bryan Godwin, had a very tight schedule to create the evocative, layered journey that highlights all the work and preparation that goes into a great NFL season.

Also, big congratulations to Mathew for winning the Grammy last night for Short Form Music Video Director.

NFL “Run”
Airdate: 2/1/09
Client: NFL Network
Agency Consultant: Mering Carson
Partner & Creative Director: Greg Carson, Dave Mering
Executive Producer: Liz Ross
Sr. Art Director: Lucho Ortega
Sr. Art Director: Dennis Milllete
Sr. Copywriter: Scott Conway
Copywriter: Jeffrey Butterworth
Production Company: Motion Theory
Director: Mathew Cullen
DP: Claudio Miranda
Executive Producer: Javier Jimenez
Line Producer: Bernard Rahill
VFX Company: Motion Theory
Sr. Art Director: Kaan Atilla
VFX Supervisor: Bryan Godwin
Comp Lead: Danny Yoon
Producer: Matt Winkel
Lighting Lead: Charles Paek
CG Lead: Danny Zobrist
Designers: Heidi Berg, Jenny Ko, Angela Zhu
2D Animation: Joseph Chan, Evan Parsons, TJ Sochor
3D Artists: Ben Grangereau, Michael Clarke, Jericho Green
Lighter: Matt Bell
Modeler: Troy Barsness
Compositors: Deke Kincaid, TJ Sochor
Previsualization: Patrick Rodriguez
Rotoscope Artist: Amy Paskow, Eric Almeras, Mike Boden, Megan Gaffney, Kanae Morton, Eva Snyder
Matte Painters: Ram Bhat, Pete Pace
Flame Artists: Matt Motal (1.1 VFX), Danny Yoon (1.1.VFX), Carlos Morales, Rob Winfield
Post Production Manager: Sheri Patterson
Post Production Assistant: Rebecca Lindberg
Editorial Company: String
Editor: Doron Dor
Assistant Editor: Greg Kim
Editorial Coordinator: Peter Nelson
Finishing: Danny Yoon (1.1.VFX)
Music Superbowl: Lime Studios
Music Probowl:  Bongo Post

Posted on Motionographer

Motion Theory : NFL