[Script] bf_ConnectWire
Posted in: Fusion Scripts & PluginsI use Wireless Link Fuses a lot. I don’t like to drag and drop each Connection and also if you copy a Wireless Link Fuse then the Input is lost.
So I created this little script which you can assign to a hotkey if you wish (that’s the only reason why I wrote it as eyeonscript and not python script).
It connects the first non Wireless tool in the selection to all Wireless Inputs in the selection.
So imagine you select a Background and 10 Wireless Tools, run the script and the Background is now connectec to all Wireless Tools.
Feel free to test or use it and write some feedback.
I would like to change the x,y values from the tool center key. But i can’t figure it out. All the other things like Clipname or Size is pretty easy but getting the right Key and especially setting the values is a bit confusing via GetAttrs() and SetAttrs().
Would be happy about some ideas
UserControls via python
Posted in: Fusion Scripts & PluginsGuys, i can`t figure out how to add UserControls things through Python script?
with Lua is no problem :
myTool.UserControls = {MyInput = {INPID_InputControl = 'SliderControl',__flags = 0,LINKID_DataType = 'Number',INP_Default = 0}}
in python i try this :
myTool.UserControls['MyInput']= {'INPID_InputControl' : 'SliderControl','__flags' : 0,'LINKID_DataType' : 'Number','INP_Default' : 0}
but no success.
help please. :splat:
Add Tool Event
Posted in: Fusion Scripts & PluginsGuys, please help me little bit ) if you can.
Can I create event on adding "loader" tool ?
my task :
if artist added image-sequence(loader) with "_blabla_" in path name (for exmpl – c:\scene1_location34_blabla_###.exr)
then do something (add blur tool after my loader.. or like that)
artist can add sequence by :
1) manual creating loader through addTool menu
2) "drug&droop" from browser
Version: 1.06
Description: 3D-Coat AppLink functionality for Eyeon Fusion 6
Author: Ilia Zaslavsky <|> Email: vfxdomain@gmail.com <|> Web: http://flavors.me/vfxdomain
################################################## #####################
Unzip the archive.
Copy 3dc_applink.py file to your Fusion install folder\Scripts\Comp, the path is usually:
C:\Program Files\eyeon\Fusion 6.1\Scripts\Comp
C:\Program Files (x86)\eyeon\Fusion 6.1\Scripts\Comp
Restart Fusion.
################################################## #####################
In fusion, make geometry node (usually FBXMesh3D or Shape3D) you want to edit in 3D-Coat
active (selected and active is not the same thing, selected node is blue while active is
yellow, so make sure to make geo node active in fusion), then run AppLink UI by hitting
Script -> 3dc_applink.py in Fusion menu bar. Select "Import from 3D-Coat" or
"Export to 3D-Coat" checkbox and hit "OK".
If you choose "Export to 3D-Coat", saving dialog should pop, choose location and name of
the output file (without extension, .obj is set automatically), choose 3D-Coat Identifier
in the next dialog window, then in the last "Options" dialog you can choose to skip
importing and exporting dialogs in 3D-Coat and pre-select some options. This last step
is optional, you can cancel this window and set all needed options inside 3D-Coat.
Also you should know that pre-selecting this options and skipping 3D-Coat import
and/or export dialogs should work only in 3D-Coat version 3.5.06 and up.
After exporting geometry from Fusion via AppLink script, run 3D-Coat
(or bring the focus to it’s window if 3D-Coat was started earlier), a dialog with options based on your "3D-Coat Identifier" selection in AppLink script should pop up.
Set needed options, hit "OK" and edit imported mesh to your heart content, using 3D-Coat’s
rich toolbox for Texture Painting, UV Editing etc. When done, select "File" ->
"Open in Originall App" from 3D-Coat main Menu.
Now go back to Fusion, run AppLink script and select ‘Import from 3D-Coat‘ checkbox to
bring edited mesh with textures and maps created in 3D-Coat back to Fusion. A network
of nodes should be created, with color / specular / normals / displacement maps loaders,
2D Texture / Displace 3D / BumpMap nodes for this loaders, assigned to the correct inputs
of the Blinn material, which is connected to the material input of the 3D mesh node.
You can repeat the whole process as many times as needed.
################################################## #####################
!!!— Note about Displacement —!!!
Current version of Fusion does not allows to tessellate imported geometry.
When using Displace 3D, keep in mind that it will only displace existing vertices
and will not tessellate objects. To obtain a more detailed displacement, increase
the Subdivision amount for the geometry that is being displaced (available only for
Shape3D nodes, if you’re using geometry imported via FBXMesh3D node make sure to
pre-tessellate it outside of Fusion if needed).
################################################## #####################
Video Demonstration:
VIMEO: http://vimeo.com/17644024
YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyWDEoM9UnI
Attachment 11113
Attachment 11114
Plugins Development
Posted in: Fusion Scripts & PluginsI thought I’d introduce myself. I’m a comp artist from Sweden working mainly in Fusion and I run my own 3d/VFX-company called Norrblick (www.norrblick.se).
I’ve been creating my own node tree for light wrapping in Fusion and I thought that you might be interested in this, so I’ve made this macro for you all to try.
Go to http://vfx.norrblick.se and download "LightWrapMacro.zip"
Have fun
I have several Digital Fusion plugins and would like to host it. But that area is new for me and I have found only one suggestion cirtexhosting.com from google. How to check if they are good or bad and what do you us e to host your Digital Fusion plugins?