TEG/Bearfight + Sehsucht: Tetley “Red”


The Ebeling Group has expanded its family with the addition of London-based Bearfight, a collective headed up by Christopher Hewitt (formerly DSTRUKT).

To herald their arrival, Bearfight and TEG have released “Red,” a lyrical spot for Tetley Tea and agency John St./Toronto. The spot was co-directed by Hamburg studio Sehsucht, whose technical prowess helped achieve the breathtaking inky simulations that drive the project. The concept’s a bit well-worn, but the execution alone is worth celebrating.

UPDATE: After doing a bit of research, I’ve learned that Bearfight didn’t exist at the time of the spot’s production. Chris Hewitt did indeed work on the spot while at Sehsucht—just not under the name of Bearfight.

Posted on Motionographer

TEG/Bearfight + Sehsucht: Tetley “Red”