It gives me tremendous pleasure when we get to feature a studio that’s not located in the Motion Design Meccas of the world (NYC, LA, London). I know how frustrating it is when the pond is small. It means smaller budgets, more conservative brief, harder environment to push the creative envelope, in general.
So everybody, meet Bobby, a Swedish production company with an office in Stockholm and Gottenburg (or Goteborg). I’m not saying these things necessarily apply to Bobby, but it’s refreshing to turn our attention away from the ‘obvious’ hot spot cities when Motion Design is concerned.
With these three projects: Gottenburg International Film Festival (GIFF), Stena Recycling, and Bokia, Bobby shows us their versatility in handling different aesthethics and subject matter. My only problem was I wanted a more dramatic, fitting ending to the GIFF intro–it was a bit anticlimactic, given how gorgeous the dragon embryo looked at the start.
But overall, these three spots are very nicely executed, and rather memorable too. For more of their stuff, be sure to visit their official site here.
Posted on Motionographer