3 simple questions.

Ok, i think i have touched on this before but never asked directly.

1: How can i do a prooper Depth Of Field effect in fusion?
What i mean is that when i have transparent objects in a scene and use the Z-Buffer for input in any Depth blur i get some wacky results due to the lack of transparency the depth buffer.

I ended up making my own script that use imageplane XYZ data to generate a blur ammount for a normal s-blur (sapphire) node.
However i can not include 3D Objects in that, most importaintly particles?

2: Is there a way to assign a Object or Material id to 3D Imageplanes and is there a way to turn Object / material id into matte/colors (like the stuff you do in 3D packages with material pass?

I love fine tuning my 3D scenes after my render node but when i have tones of objects it usually means that i have to render the same scene multiple times. I would love to be able to assign some indentification to my 3D scene objects so i can work on every element in my 3D scenes after the render node.

3: How is it that you link object values but delay the change X frames?

When making mo-gra i love using expressions to simplify my work. A basic example is linking a parameter to another node’s parameter of the same kind. But how do i delay this with x ammount of frames ie: MyObject1.Transform.X Time(-5)

seperate x,y from tracker path

wondering is there how to seperate x,y from tracker path?

The tracker node blurs my render?

Hey people

So, I think I am having the stated issue.

I’m not pro at fusion, and this is my first time tracking in fusion:

I have a piece of real footage with a camera shake and a piece of 3D animation I want to fit on top of it. The tracking works well enough – the 3D images fit, but my problem is that when I render it out, the 3D components are blurred slightly while the rl footage is as crisp as ever.

MotionBlur is turned off both on the overall scene and in the tracker node itself, and this is driving me mad.

Another weird thing is that inside fusion, its only the last ca.40 frames that are blurred, but the exported .tiff’s are all blurred, except for frame 1.

Hope someone can help me

32 – 64 bit?

is it possible to open a comp build in fusion 64bit in fusion 32bit?

playback issues

Hi there!
Has someone experienced a playback problem like this?
I have a green line in the timeline (so the part is cached in ram) and still can´t playback it smoothly. in fact, it plays back with 1 frm per second.
I tried everything like simply view only a background or a unanimated text, but still in that comp seems no realtime playback possible…


remove any unwanted object

Alright this one is quite tricky and since there is NO final solution for such a thing I thought we just share ideas and collect suggestions in this thread so others can look at the ideas and it might help.

So in my case I have to remove an unwanted shadow (camera shadow) which first moves around on the floor (while the camera is rotating around a car so there is NO static floor) and then the camera shadow touches the car and moves around on the surface of the car.
I personally have no REAL idea how to fix this and it’s frustrating as hell.

Any ideas welcome.

For anybody who wants to remove something in a static background: Just hold one frame (freeze frame) and remove the object with the paint node (clone) and then if say a character is overlapping this area just mask it, easy as pie.

Sort of dot box tool

I see in tutorials what I call a dot tool, just like a box node that allow you to reorganize your flow. I show you in the picture what I’m talking about.

But where is this tool, I just can’t find it.
Sorry if the question has been already asked but as I don’t know the name of th etool, that’s hard to find it.


material ID channel selection

Is there in Fusion any way how to blur edges of selection by material ID channel? I make a color correction and use material ID channel selection. Around the trees that are planes with texture and opaccity map there will appear rectangle that are not affect by correction. In cobustion I partly solved this by choosing a feather in GBuffer material selection.

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Fusion vs. Photoshop

What are advantages of Fusion over Photshop? I think everything done in Fusion could be done in PS, or am I missing something? I’m in a 3d architectural visualizations, and searching for a proper software.

Clipping mask

Hi everybody!
At first I must say that I am a novice in Fusion(5.3). I passed through several tutorials and then I tried to make my first scene. As a background I have footage of video taken by the camera from helicopter. As a foreground I have footage of rendered model of circle crossroads. I used Merge node to connect it together. Next step was to eliminate sharp junction between 3d model and video. It was very expressive in one place. So I inserted Tracker node with 2 trackers, tracked all sequence. Next I draw a polygon mask with only one edge, set Border with and Soft edge and connect output to Tracker foreground. In Tracker I set Operation to MatchMove. At first frame everything looks o.k. but when I run to the end of the scene, camera moved to another position and mask was clipped.
I think that this same problem was discussed in this forum several times, but I wasn’t able to solve this. Pls If somebody can help me and explain it as for a stupid novice.:) Thanks!

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