Color matching fire and explosion

i m not having trouble color matching footages generally but when it comes to fire, explosion or any thing that have like "one type of color" ( blood too, stuff like that ) then i have problem eyeballing a good believable match. Explosion won’t look like anyother stuff in the BG plate so the channel method is not suitable. Well if anyone got some tips about matching unusual stuff that have to pop up but still beliavable is welcome.


Best for removal

For removing things from a shot like wires and specifically, tracking marks, what’s the best program?


feature film titles

Hi All – I did a search on this topic but couldn’t find any similar threads so forgive me if this has been asked about/discussed previously.

I’m an assistant picture editor on a very low, low budget feature film and have been tasked with creating the final main and end titles elements for our 2k DI and eventual filmout and was curious if there were any standard workflows or established best practices I should be following when doing so. These are going to be very standard/static titles over black and/or picture so nothing fancy. My plan was to use photoshop to create each title card and export 2k uncompressed TIFFs but thought it couldn’t be that easy could it? My main concerns are creating an image with adequate pixel depth (photoshop defaults at 72 pixels/in) and color space.

Any info that can be shared on this topic would be greatly appreciated.


Hair Detail in Clean-up

Hello everyone,

I have this shot, where I need to do some clean-up work and I thought I will ask for any advices how to go about it..

The idea of this shot is that the guy stands up from the table and sees that he is the last one in the room, after nodding his head he leaves the frame .. Now when I filmed this there were few people in the shot and since I could not do anything about it I had to just get the take, and with hopes that I will deal with it later on in post.. and now I came to that point..

the shot is 325 frames long.. I’ve done some cleaning work before, so creating a clean plate isn’t an issue.. What’s an issue is I don’t quite know how to deal with the hair.. coz the actors moves threw all the clean-plate patches straight roto seems to be not the best solution to go with (since there is a lot of detail in the hair).. is there any other techniques/ways to deal with it? Any thoughts are welcomed and would be really appreciated..

screengrab attached (red areas would be the patches)

Silhouette UI

i just started learning silhouette. i got to the user interface part and i dont know what they mean by large center circle while covering Roto quick start.
"Drag within large center circle —– Moves the layer"
"Drag small center circle ————– Moves the Anchor point"
thanks in advance:scorching

Maya Blast

How to make blast effect using maya dynamics. I think In 3ds max we have an option. But guys, any tips for making blast effect in maya ?

How to simulate particles when time slows down and speeds back up

I’m doing a shot for production right now in which the animator animated a scene going into slow-mo, and then going back to normal speed again.
Is there some sort of trick in getting the particle simulation to at least ACT the way you’d expect?

I realize the animator could’ve provided me w/ a slow-motion version of the shot and I can speed it up and slow it down in comp, but right now that’s not the case (though I really wish it was)

am I just stuck having to use forces to drag and push the particles to fake the dynamics?

Silhouette COME BACK!!!

Hi to all….I thought of learning silhouette for rotoscoping..I had downloaded the software a month ago and had accidentally set it into trial activation..But i never used it back then as i was concentrating on Fusion for some time…Now when try to use the trial version with all features it says trial version expired…So i deleted it and re-installed it again, but again the same error…Can anyone help me on this because i really wanna use all the features..Is there any way to make silhouette work with all the features again for 15 days….

PS.. In demo mode no saves…WTH…roto needs saves..Also my area is prone to power shutdowns…LOL..

Nuke pipes

hello i was woundering if anyone can help me with this. In my viewer node, if I have a file atatched to my viewer node, and another file in pipe 2 and another in pipe 3. I want to get rid of the pipes. I delete the files but the arrows remain in the viewer node. Is there anywya to delet the pipe/arrows that im no longer using?.


After – Masked effects?

Is it possible, in AE, to apply an effect only to the area covered by a mask, just like you could in Shake, for example, attach a mask to an effect node?

Also, how can I have a layer with single mask of multiple shapes, or to have multiple masks adding up, instead of Mask 2 acting only inside Mask 1, etc? Do I necessarily have to duplicate layers?