Nuke: LightWrap and “tweak tab”

Hi all,

I am currently going through the Nuke6.0v5 UserGuide to make the transition. I have added a LightWrap node to my script, the user guide tells me for further adjustment I can use the "Tweaks tab" (For FGBlur, BGBlur, Saturation, Luma Tolerance, Highlight Merge). But where is this tab? In the properties panel my LightWrap only has LightWrap, CCorrect and Node tabs.

I’m sure I’ll kick myself when someone tells me where it is, but I’m getting really frustrated!


Animation or VFX?

Hi, Came across the following text on the interweb…

"Computer-generated imagery (CGI), often incorrectly referred to as Animation in India, is the application of 3D computer graphics to special effects in films, television programs, commercials, and printed media. Video games usually use real-time computer graphics (rarely referred to as CGI), but may also include pre-rendered "cut scenes" and intro movies (or FMVs–full motion videos) that would be typical CGI applications.

CGI is used for visual effects because computer generated effects are more controllable than other more physically based processes, such as constructing miniatures for effects shots or hiring extras for crowd scenes, and because it allows the creation of images that would not be feasible using any other technology. It can also allow a single graphic artist to produce such content without the use of actors, expensive set pieces, or props.

3D computer graphics softwares such as Autodesk’s Maya is used to make computer-generated imagery for movies, advertisements, etc. Recent availability of CGI software and increased computer speeds have allowed individual artists and small companies to produce professional grade films, games, and fine art from their home computers. This has brought about an Internet subculture with its own set of global celebrities, clichés, and technical vocabulary."

What I understand from this is that Animation is a subset of Visual Effects. IS VFX truly the bigger picture? (pun intended)

Comments, anyone?

how to export nukex 3d track to maya?

how to export nukex 3d track to maya?………..if anybody can help me plz tell

thnks in adv

Anyone from Rythm and hues,India ?

Hi i am a fresher..I’m planning to apply for the apprenticeship training program at Rythm and hues..What is the procedure ? What all skills am i expected to possess ? pls help

Good camera for matchmoving?

Hi, im going to buy a new video camera, and the mostly thing i want to do with it, is matchmoving/tracking.

I have a canon hv30, but is not good for tracking… i realized after buy.

My bucket is around $2000 , i have been reading that CMOS sensors are not the best for matchomving…

What about this one? is 3CCD and is around $800

Panasonic hdc hs9 3ccd:…o-duro-de-60gb

I also wanna know if the canon 7d works good for tracking

i want to get perfect tracks, obviously planning the shots first.

thanks for reading. i hope someone could recomend me a good camera to matchmove 🙂

help me find free footage

I would like to know where i could find free footage for compositing purpose ..when i google i end up in sites offering footages with a price tag..

right now i’m in need of a steady camera shot of a snow blizzard or snow covered buildings to composite a person shivering in the cold…

Can any one help

I am just a bigginner and i dont have much knowledge yet so if any one have a link to any tutorial video or ebook I highly appreciated it


Pay for VFX fresher in India ?

What is the pay for a vfx fresher in india ? I recently got through interviews of two major companies, Prime focus and Prasad studios..they were offering just Rs.4500 🙁 Can i expect more ?

Best Camera choice

Hey, It’s going to be my birthday in a few days and I was planning on getting a new video camera to make some good footage with. I looked at the Sony VX550E camera which looks great, but I wanted to know if there was any othe camera on the market which is just as easy to use as the Sony but maybe a little bit cheaper. I currently use a Canon G9, but I dont consider it being the best for making good quality videos, but its great for photography.

thanks for any advice 🙂

Best education plan

Hey guys,

I’m thinking of moving to LA and studying there visual effects (compositing, motion graphics).

What are the best places to study?

Meanwhile i’m going to do some fxphd courses.
