please watch this link and post your valuable feedback !!
Planet of the Apes head?
Posted in: Beginners TalkTIA.
Competitors to After Effects include The Foundry’s Nuke; combustion, Toxik, and Smoke; Appel’s shake and Motion; eyeon fusion; Boris RED; and the entry-level FXHome, Cine FX
For me i like After Effects but i’m confused.
So please can you help to choose the best software to buy it; you know i can’t buy all of them.
Did vfx has demand in india ??
Posted in: Beginners TalkNuke HueKeyer help
Posted in: Beginners TalkThanks
I am keying a shot using primatte and it did an awesome job so far. But I am having trouble trying to get rid of sizzling edges due to Motion Blur.
I have attached an "edge blur" node and although that helps, i still have areas where there is sufficient sizzling and popping.
Anyone have any ideas to rid of the sizzling/popping edges?
So essentially I’m looking for pro-quality sites that sell elements for compositing: Explosions, smoke, etc, filmed against greenscreen. In HD quality.
Are there such places?
Lifeway College NewZeaLand For VFX
Posted in: Beginners TalkWhats your opinion on that College.
course Joining : Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation.
Any Suggestions please.:o
A new member here and I’m asking a question which surely has been asked before, but I would like to get the most recent and updated information on this.
I would need a greenscreen composition software for Macintosh Leopard. I do editing with Final Cut Pro 7, but obviously the standard greenscreen plugins for FCP pretty much suck.
I would prefer a software which has a smooth workflow with Final Cut, but if necessary, I can export/import clips from one program to the next.
I do realize that the quality of compositing is largely dependent on the quality of the video footage. I film with EX1 in progressive mode, and I do know how to light a greenscreen setup properly.
I would need to do complex and detailed greenscreen stuff, including hair and flying debris. So I need a quality software to do this.
I have heard some good things about Ultimatte Advantedge, but it’s fairly costly with a $1500 prize tag, and I’m not sure if there are better options out there with similar, or cheaper costs.
I do think that it’s better to get a more prizey program if it helps to save time (and money) in the future, and provides obviously better quality.
I would be glad for any suggestions that people might give of good softwares.
Big thanks for your help,
Just some guidance
Posted in: Beginners TalkI’m now living back at home and have a hell of a lot of free time. I saw the stickied thread on what programs to use which was very helpful, but I would love some guidance on what exactly I should be doing with my time.
I love the effects side of VFX, as in, creating realistic particle systems and the idea of incorporating them into live footage, but this is where I get a little stuck. I’m currently using Fusion and have enjoyed learning about it but, for what I want to achieve, what should I actually be doing?
Should I be recording my own footage, and trying to incorporate effects in to them? How is this usually done to create a realistic effect? would you normally create the particles within Fusion to use or another application? I looked on the Video Copilot website and the free tutorials there look pretty cool but after hearing a lot (although I know not all) people saying that for Film Nuke is the more generally used program so I wanted to stay away from AE but a lot of the things from that site (Video Copilot) are similar to the things I would like to achieve. (I’m obviously aware I don’t have Nuke but Fusion is quite similar no? So I’m hoping if needed I can make the transition). There doesn’t seem to be any tutorials on actually creating effects and putting them into a video so I just feel kind of stuck on what to do.
So basically, I’m just sat here, I really wanna dig into the program but also don’t want to be doing things that may not be neccessary for me. Where should I go from here?
I appreciate anyone who’s actually read through that so thanks in advance.