new 3D & Compositing work for feedback

Hi friends ,

please watch this link and post your valuable feedback !!

Planet of the Apes head?

Hi, I posted this at cgtalk but I should’ve posted it here. My 3d skills go about as far as Sketchup so go easy on the jargon. 🙂 I’d like to know what would be involved in replacing an actor’s head with a Planet of the Apes kind of head, the kind of thing you couldn’t do with a mask (like a gorilla’s degree of prognathicity and a mouth, tongue, lips and teeth that work like they’re supposed to, mainly). From what I can gather you’d matchmove the camera (ideally you’d track the camera during filming) and use facial mocap performance to animate the ape head model. Right? Can anyone talk about this in more detail, maybe give a guess on man-hours per second for a typical shot (like dialog in a static medium shot), leaving out the time to create the model and render? Assuming you wanted to do a really top-notch job I mean. Guess on a budget wouldn’t hurt, even totally ball park would be nice.


What is the best special effects/visual effects software?

Competitors to After Effects include The Foundry’s Nuke; combustion, Toxik, and Smoke; Appel’s shake and Motion; eyeon fusion; Boris RED; and the entry-level FXHome, Cine FX
For me i like After Effects but i’m confused.
So please can you help to choose the best software to buy it; you know i can’t buy all of them.

Did vfx has demand in india ??

I want to make a point clear .. that do the vfx has demand in india ? and do we get good jobs in india after completing the vfx course in india ? .. frnds plz make me clear which multimedia course has more demand in india presently and get a good job .. Thanks …

Nuke HueKeyer help

Could someone please explain to me how to use the hue keyer in nuke. I would like to know how it is usually used and tweaked. I see there are a few preset points on the curve but I am not sure how to use them. I have experimented with it and can get a basic key on a colour, but I feel I am missing something. :confused:


Motion Blur w/ Sizzling Edges- Nuke

Hi All-

I am keying a shot using primatte and it did an awesome job so far. But I am having trouble trying to get rid of sizzling edges due to Motion Blur.

I have attached an "edge blur" node and although that helps, i still have areas where there is sufficient sizzling and popping.

Anyone have any ideas to rid of the sizzling/popping edges?


Where to buy SFX elements filmed against greenscreen?

I have tried to google for this stuff, but haven’t found anything.

So essentially I’m looking for pro-quality sites that sell elements for compositing: Explosions, smoke, etc, filmed against greenscreen. In HD quality.

Are there such places?

Lifeway College NewZeaLand For VFX

As in the Title I wish to join in Life way College for VFX training in New Zealand.

Whats your opinion on that College.

course Joining : Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation.

Any Suggestions please.:o

Best software for greenscreen compositing? (MAC)

Hi all,

A new member here and I’m asking a question which surely has been asked before, but I would like to get the most recent and updated information on this.

I would need a greenscreen composition software for Macintosh Leopard. I do editing with Final Cut Pro 7, but obviously the standard greenscreen plugins for FCP pretty much suck.

I would prefer a software which has a smooth workflow with Final Cut, but if necessary, I can export/import clips from one program to the next.

I do realize that the quality of compositing is largely dependent on the quality of the video footage. I film with EX1 in progressive mode, and I do know how to light a greenscreen setup properly.

I would need to do complex and detailed greenscreen stuff, including hair and flying debris. So I need a quality software to do this.

I have heard some good things about Ultimatte Advantedge, but it’s fairly costly with a $1500 prize tag, and I’m not sure if there are better options out there with similar, or cheaper costs.

I do think that it’s better to get a more prizey program if it helps to save time (and money) in the future, and provides obviously better quality.

I would be glad for any suggestions that people might give of good softwares.

Big thanks for your help,


Just some guidance

Hi there guys. Just to start off, a tiny bit about myself. I’m 20 years old, live in the UK and am an ex university student. I studied at University for one year and dropped out, not for any negative reasons, I loved university life and would advise it to everyone (only if they asked, I’m not saying you’re wrong to not go) but the course I was in was poor, and I really didn’t enjoy it and didn’t want a job in any of the areas I was being taught in. I never see it as a waste because of the experience and because it’s led me to knowing what I actually want to do. I researched a lot on the internet, picked up various programme trials and fell in love with the thought of being in the VFX industry. I just love how creative it is, even though I’m not a great artist, I very much enjoy art itself.

I’m now living back at home and have a hell of a lot of free time. I saw the stickied thread on what programs to use which was very helpful, but I would love some guidance on what exactly I should be doing with my time.

I love the effects side of VFX, as in, creating realistic particle systems and the idea of incorporating them into live footage, but this is where I get a little stuck. I’m currently using Fusion and have enjoyed learning about it but, for what I want to achieve, what should I actually be doing?

Should I be recording my own footage, and trying to incorporate effects in to them? How is this usually done to create a realistic effect? would you normally create the particles within Fusion to use or another application? I looked on the Video Copilot website and the free tutorials there look pretty cool but after hearing a lot (although I know not all) people saying that for Film Nuke is the more generally used program so I wanted to stay away from AE but a lot of the things from that site (Video Copilot) are similar to the things I would like to achieve. (I’m obviously aware I don’t have Nuke but Fusion is quite similar no? So I’m hoping if needed I can make the transition). There doesn’t seem to be any tutorials on actually creating effects and putting them into a video so I just feel kind of stuck on what to do.

So basically, I’m just sat here, I really wanna dig into the program but also don’t want to be doing things that may not be neccessary for me. Where should I go from here?

I appreciate anyone who’s actually read through that so thanks in advance.